Hi all,
Im currently pursuing the idea of getting my facial asymmetry corrected. Ive had one meeting with a surgeon who is supposed to be the better option of the very few well known surgeons here in the UK. Ive been told i can fix my jaw asymmetry with just a 'sagittal split osteomoty' which will rotate my jaw over towards the right

. In doing so i will also be correcting my slight cross bite i have. My dental midline is about a tooth width out but my 3/4 appearances is where you can really notice a difference.
Ive read how jaw surgery can dramatically effect the appearance of soft tissue and wanted to clarify how truthful this is ? I can understand how upper jaw surgery can result in a greater change, but can someone chime in on any positive / negative changes (if any) i would see as a result of getting a SSO to correct my jaw asymmetry ?
Any other red flags to this surgery would be much welcomed as well as id like to collect a series of questions before my next meeting with the surgeon.