Hi all,
I have been on this forum for a few years and finally had surgery last October here in Sydney. I did quite a lot of research and reading through this forum as well as textbooks and journals and felt quite prepared. I will say straight up - if you don't
need this surgery (or any surgery), don't get it. There are so many points of failure, so many anxieties and uncertainties that in most cases I honestly do not think it is worth the cost or effort. I say this as someone who I think had a pretty good result. If I experienced any real complications I would be devastated.
My procedure was fairly straightforward, ~5mm lefort one and corresponding bsso setback to fix asymmetry as well as a genio to address chin asymmetry. I usually have a beard and only shaved for the surgery (see before photo), the after photo is seven months post-op, just days after debanding. I think my surgeon and ortho addressed the asymmetry extremely well, honestly much better than I could have really expected. I would still advise anyone to grow a beard if they can and just cope with it

I have a little numbness in my lower left lip and a few other areas feel slightly different but it's not a huge worry. It was surprising how much my braces were making the altered sensation worse - teeth are much smoother and don't disturb it as much.
The surgeon who operated on me is not currently working, and won't be for at least 12-18 months I believe, so I will leave their name off this forum. If you want details you can PM me.
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