Ah you again, lol. I didn't recognize you until the bottom of the reel. I think medically bimax would be considered aggressive, unless you have moderate to severe OSA. Your airway looks roughly normal though, based on the ceph. Is the ortho you went to a run of the mill type or one that routinely works with max facs surgeons? The latter type would tell you if your teeth are compensating for a skeletal deformity or not.
Aesthetically people would say you have room to gain from bimax, but how much more over SG is obviously very subjective and it's your face you have to live with at the end of the day. Basically you're in the same boat as me but have a better chin bone & occlusal plane. That occlusal plane will make things weird for bimax. You don't have much rotation possible at all, if any, yet you have a steep MPA. A bigger jaw advancement without CCW would lengthen your face excessively. Probably more natural to advance the jaw + maxilla a bit anyway, but who knows if aesthetically that really matters. No idea how much a little jaw advancement + SG would look vs just an SG. I don't think SG or bimax does anything to the ramal area, except maybe a slight soft tissue tightening (don't bet the bank on that). IMO you have a 'journey' ahead of you.
Surprise, it's me
. Thanks for the reply. My ortho is definitely the type that works with maxfacs, but she never mentioned anything about a skeletal deformity (but maybe I’ll email and ask) and that my bite was almost perfect besides some minor crossbite. She then referred me to the maxfac who basically said the same thing and recommended a sliding genio for my aesthetic concerns. I asked him if he thought I had biprotrusive teeth but he didn't seem to think I do. To his credit, he said he’d still do bimax, but just that it really wasn’t worth it in my case without a functional issue. It’s very strange how I just keep getting told that I have a good bite and these responses from professionals that make it seem like there isn't really any definitive problem(s), but anyone with two eyes can clearly see something weird is going on with my face.
A flat occlusal plane + steep MPA would probably mean the problem is an underdeveloped jaw? The maxfac mentioned that my chin is so recessed that I have mentalis muscle strain (which I never noticed before because I thought it was just an acne scar, woops), so it’s really starting to seem like the issue is mainly an underdeveloped jaw, and I guess there really isn’t an ideal solution to this problem besides sliding genio + jaw implants (which I really wanted to avoid because of the stories I read about them randomly getting infected a decade later). I’ve also been a mouth breather my whole life and will be seeing a myofunctional therapist soon. Maybe by actually having a proper swallowing pattern it will develop my atrophied neck muscles and perhaps raise my hyoid a bit?
The subjectivity of the situation is definitely playing a part in my concerns, and I personally would be fine with this “8 out of 10” or whatever result, but I wasn’t sure if my maxfac’s optimism was actually close to accurate or not. I’m concerned about the possibility that my maxfac is not considering all the possible effects this sliding genio could have on my face, like causing a long face or a narrow looking lower third, or creating a strangely protruding chin (See attachment. What happened there?), and I don’t fully trust that he would tell me. Unless bimax has a significant advantage over sliding genio for me, I’d like to proceed with the sliding genio as long as my face is ‘compatible’ with it, I’m just not sure if it is or not.
Also that’s interesting about jaw advancement lengthening the face. Is that because jaw advancement isn’t ‘true’ forward, but forward along the occlusal plane?
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