The biggest worry with high volume providers is that some intern ends up operating on you instead of the big name.
this seems like the boogey-man tale of jaw surgery
i.e i do not think it has ever actually been found to be true, nor do I think it is plausible. For starters, the depth of legal hot water is mind boggling, no surgeon in 2017 in any first world country would try that s**t on with a 10 foot pole. Doctors are paranoid about lawsuits stemming from just giving commentary to patients, let alone the amount of CRIMINAL charges that could be brought against them in a case where they let an intern operate on you against your consent.
People should be aware that in any field of medicine there are not just problem doctors.... there are problem patients, and these people are not above making complete bulls**t up to "fortify" their stories for lack of a better term. There was a guy on here who wrote a rather compelling but ultimately nonsensical hollywood like fiction about a surgeon bringing him out of anaethesia mid-surgery "on purpose" to "teach me a lesson"

- it may well be the case he has legitimate grievances with the work of his surgeon, but the compulsive need to lie to bolster their perspective against what they have now decided is their enemy in life is probably pathological.