I dont understand what facial axis is related with the head being tilted or not. The flattened occlusal plane displays the tilt in my view.
Idk what your overjet is, but if you have little to zero overjet it seems like your maxilla is actually retruded and that your lower jaw has not place to ccw rotate and fit properly. So for to airway not colapse you need to tilt the head and that way your occlusal plane looks flattened, which is not normal for people with dolico/hyperdivergent grow type. If you were a brachi I would understand the flattened occlusal plane, but in this case that flattened occlusal plane is not phisiologic in my oppinion. So the jaw ccw of your airway by means of a upward tilt of the head, that way you dont have premature contacts in the anterior sector that you would have if the head was in properly position with bipupilar plane paralel to true horizontal. So in order to your bipupilar align to horizontal for eyesight you need to move your head forward, which is seen in your side picture that I have seen in other thread. Forward head posture implies a hyperactivity of the extensor muscles of the head.
Still pretty interested in know your values of occlusal plane to xi (center of the ramus). Could you provide me that value?
I think the theories about head posture have much less mileage than people think they do. This is simply the posture I was asked to assume while the x-rays were being taken and the chin rest was level with my head. My head is not in any weird, unnatural position; again, I just have a recessed forehead so it looks like an unnatural head position.
I'm not entirely sure what you mean by the issue with overjet, but yeah, I have a lower than normal overjet: it's 1 mm, when the norm is 2.5 mm. It's within the normal ranges though because the z score is -.6. Overbite is .3 mm and the norm is 2.5. I don't have a steep mandibular plane so I think the stuff you mention about ccw rotation does not apply here.
Unfortunately I don't have the values you're looking for, my ceph doesn't give me an occlusal plane to Xi value. As for the Ricketts facial angle value + other facial angle measures: I think those measure facial growth patterns. So an angle near or above 90 degrees= horizontal growth pattern; angle below 90 degrees=vertical growth pattern.