Author Topic: Anyone Tried Mewing?  (Read 8481 times)


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Anyone Tried Mewing?
« on: July 01, 2017, 08:19:42 PM »
Probably an old topic on this from ages ago, but a couple months ago I started practising correct oral posture (tongue to roof of mouth), and I used to have migraines twice a month and now I haven't had a migraine in 5 months, my cheekbones have also protruded slightly, although my maxilla has became asymmetrical (tilted to one side) perhaps it's just me going through puberty (I'm 16 and a half), but if you get migraines then it is definitely worth doing.


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Re: Anyone Tried Mewing?
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2017, 09:01:57 PM »
Well I am not mewing.

What am I doing?

Good its working for u , keep us updated.


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Re: Anyone Tried Mewing?
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2017, 12:20:46 AM »
I dont know if mewing is legit at my age (i am 26).
Maybe in puberty it can do something. It's worth a try. On lookism there are a lot of blue-pilled aspergers who are doing it.

What is mewing?
In short, the posture is teeth together, lips together, tongue on the roof of your mouth.

Is that all? ???

Dr. Mew says that over a period of time the skeleton will adapt to the new posture and the jawline will become stronger.


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Re: Anyone Tried Mewing?
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2017, 01:16:12 AM »
I honestly don't think it's as good as it is made out to be, it's stopped my migraines at least, which is amazing still. As for the actual aesthetic changes, they're extremely minimal, although I have only been doing it for 5-6 months and my gonial angle is most likely too steep to change or 'adapt' as Mew says.


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Re: Anyone Tried Mewing?
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2017, 03:00:40 AM »
I remember seeing pictures of a guy who mewed for a whole year (it was on sluthate or one of those sites). There was a clear improvement in his jawline, but upon closer inspection, it didn't look like the bone changed at all. It looked more like fat loss around the jaw/neck, or, as some of the posters hypothesized, tightening of the hyoid bones (muscles under the lower jaw) resulting in a more defined appearance. This theory makes some sense I think. And the aesthetic impact of neck muscles (especially in males) is often underestimated.


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Re: Anyone Tried Mewing?
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2017, 07:06:46 AM »
IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT AGE YOU ARE, MEWING DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE. DONT BELIEVE ME?? LOOK UP THE HOMEOBLOCK FROM DR BELFORT BEFORE AND AFTERS. ALL BONE IS SUCEPTIBLE TO MOVEMENT WETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT. Facepulling might be a gimmick though, there will be much better results from high forces for very extended periods like 10-12 hours through out the day. People have gotten results from facepulling though, I just believe you can pull teeth doing this method because there is no proper anchor for the maxilla.

As humans we were meant to be raised on the hunter gatherer diet(hard foods like nuts and vitamins from hard fibrous vegetables, as opposed to soft foods with sugar and flour) we were meant to be breastfead (to help learn how to suckle and correctly swallow as opposed to pacifiers which mess up the teeth) to gain the proper nutrients to build our immune system from allergies that way our sinuses are clear from the start so we can nosebreathe and adopt correct tongue posture.


A lot of people are under the impression that there will be drastic changes in just a couple of months??? Mewing takes years and years of correct posture and nutrition, you know why? Because our maxilla is already screwed from not adopting this posture for the first 10-15 years of our life. So guess, what, it'll take another 5-10 years to get very good results and along with that a good diet of vitamins and hard foods too.

Our bones remodel every year, which means the bone cells in our face would have been replaced in the span of that time. Mewing works in just the same way braces do, in the sense that oseteoblasts and osteoclasts respond to the areas of light pressure that your tongue exerts on to your maxilla, eating away at your bones and rebuilding where there is pressure. It will just take much longer because of the density of the bones in adults.  For nutrition you want strong dense bones which means the cells are much more alive and much more malleable and susceptible to movement from light pressure.

Yes mewing works but it takes dedication and constant awareness especially in your sleep which is when it counts most. That's when the osteoclasts and osteoblasts are most active, and when the human growth hormone is activated.

I'm a 21 year old male and have been mewing for 6 months and I see subtle yet definite improvements in the areas of my cheekbones and mid face under my eyes. Just not much in the chin and jaw area, they've only become chiseled and sleeker, my jaw angle has unfortunately not changed, but I don't doubt that my maxilla has impacted only slightly maybe .1 or .3 mm change. My palate has widened slightly also, my teeth are only slightly straighter than before. Breathing through my nose is much easier. My tongue is able to have a home to rest now

Of course being younger helps, but if you're not mewing then what are you doing? The philosophy of "if you do it long enough eventually something will change or happen" is the exact same philosophy that applies everywhere in life. Don't be so naive

Main point here is that muscle trumps bones, wether it be the tongue or cheeks putting pressure on the teeth, bones and maxilla, function and posture should be changed so that all of this will remain in perfect working harmony.

Don't take any of what I'm saying at face value, this is just from the info that I've picked up on years of research and my own observations. A lot of the info I'm giving may seem conflicting, but only because the content and facts of those bits are missing with proof to stand on its own, just knowledge from official articles and the internet. So in essence I could be wrong about all of this. But then again I could be right

Dr mew has an adult woman who has been seeing him for over 9 years and has excellent compliance according to him. She drives hours across country to see him.

In his last presentation, she had failed to make any appreciable aesthetic changes to her face, and mew was only able to claim something like 2mm of movement which for all we know could be merely displacement of the teeth, which is not the same as growth of the bone.

As far as I'm concerned, thats the nail in the coffin for mewing theory in adults. 9 years and 2mm of movement?

The problem with amateur "mewers" on the internet is they have a lot of confirmation bias... I was one of them. You see what you want to see, but to everyone else, there is zero difference in your before and afters. Some even go so far as to purposefully manipulate their B/As, like using unflattering lighting in the first and downlighting and 3/4 angles to make the face seem like it suddenly has more definition.

Its not like the dental practice hasn't considered all this before - its history is littered with force applying devices that have fell out of use because they dont really work. Believe me, its not like I'm saying this to be some "hater" or something, I'd LOVE to be able to do this stuff naturally and not have to go through incredibly invasive surgery.... but i'd also love to be millionaire and guess what?

not happening any time soon.