Thank you for your reply! The bad reviews on ratemds about Dr Tocchio did put me off, but I also heard that sites like that aren't that reliable, as the reviews are anonymous and competitors could write slanderous ones and doctors themselves could write positive ones.
I wouldn't say sites like those are unreliable, but I wouldn't solely base my decision off of 1 site.
It's best to check multiple review sites and form your opinion from there.
Ex:- Health Grades
- Realself
- RateMDs
I wish that I could consult with both, but I don't think my orthodontist would be willing to send multiple referrals, and my mom probably wouldn't want to drive to Toronto twice for the consultations (we live four hours away). It seems that both surgeons have been practicing for a very long time, and they used to be partners before going onto their own separate practises. From the internet, it seems they are almost equal in terms of skill and experience, but I really want to choose the right one, the one that can best deal with my case (which is more complicated than most jaw surgeries) and who is better with aesthetics - but I can't find that out from the internet. So yeah, I wish I could consult with both but I am too embarrassed to ask my orthodontist and my mom.
You wouldn't have to drive to Toronto twice if you setup both consultations to be on the same day (different times of course).
You're not asking your Orthodontist for
"multiple" referrals by asking for only 2.
It would be common sense to consult with both doctors, since you're going to have to go to Toronto eventually.
So politely explain this to your Orthodontist, ask him for the referrals, and he should have no problem with it.
It's better to do things right the first time to ensure a good result, rather than end up with a bad one because you were too embarrassed to ask or didn't want to make anyone mad.
If anyone would be mad, it would be because your family wasted there time doing this for you simply for you to have to get a revision done because of a bad outcome.
Jaw surgery isn't a typical procedure, and you should make sure you're seeing someone well versed in it.
So looks like you got a couple options here, either go with tocchio, or consult both, or wait till your older to do this so you can drive.
Ultimately the decision is yours.