Yeah thats true. I'm still looking around before i make a decision. Thank you.
Wouldn't getting a ccw rotation eliminate the need to get extractions? Do you recommend i get a ccw rotation aswell because of my steep angle? Would a linear advancement look bad? And you also recommend a chin advancement?? Thank you for your criticism.
I'm not so sure about CCW in your case. Keep in mind that a rotation of the maxilla is with the aim of getting the occlusal plane closer to the horizontal (but not totally flat). In turn, ANS-PNS (maxilla) also gets closer to the horizont.
Here is example:
The OP is taking on a big downward diagonal (negative slope). So is ANS-PNS of maxilla. The rotation is CCW and both the OP and ANS-PNS are more aligned with the horizont.
In this example:
The OP is too close to the horizont. ANS-PNS is taking on more of an upward diagonal (positive slope). The rotation is CLOCKWISE.
In your case, ANS-PNS is aligned away from the horizont via more of an upward diagonal. So, it would be clockwise rotation that would align it closer. Not CCW--OR something where it's just left to 'linear' advancement with little rotation. So, I don't think it's a question of CCW in your case. But check with your maxfax.
It looks to me like they probably want to MINIMIZE moving the maxilla forward for the above reason where your only option is to move the lower teeth backwards and pluck out the premolars in X-change for MAXIMIZING lower jaw and chin advancement.