I just dont know what to even type, I apologise if this thread is off topic or not allowed but please dont ban me.
I feel so incredibly confused and ugly. I dont have a ceph, or photos to post because I haven't gotten around to proceeding with that yet but it is obvious to me that I have some sort of maxillofacial or craniofacial issues and development problem because I just wouldn't look the way I do if I didn't.
I can clearly remember mouth breathing from an incredibly young age due to pneumonia at like age 4 in which I without a doubt would have been using my mouth to breathe, I also had braces at like 14 which probably messed by s**t up quite a bit.
- My eyes are small and too close together in relation to face
- bad maxilla/forward growth
- bad gonial angle and ramus growth
- weak chin projection
- incredibly poor ??suborbitals?? ??infraorbitals??
- cheekbones so low-set that they're inline with my nasal tip
- ugly skin with bad comedonal acne
- high hairline
- weird forehead shape (its hard to explain but picture the eyebrow to hairline area [including temples] as being an upside down 'U' shape rather than a shape that resembles '| |')
- Lips that are narrow and in a permanent frown
I don't want people to say blah blah blah get a haircut blah blah use facial cleanser, just dress better dude because dont waste your breath.
I just want my craniofacial/maxillofacial structure optimised and fixed...
I'm convinced a LeFort I in addition to a Modified LeFort III would be benificial due to rather bad upper mid face recession, but I know I'd need far more on top of that to be happy...
I dont want to be a model, I just want the best facial structure I can have...
Is abormal jaw and facial development reversable/fixable through surgery?
feels bad man
Again sorry, please dont ban me, I just needed to rant.