I'm having a CCW done with bimax and I wanted to ask if any of you know how a ccw impacts the face from the front? Does the chin and the jaw look wider? Because if it does, maybe I can get away with a little more downward genioplasty, rather than horizontal but I have no way of knowing as of now.
I read your prior post. You relay you have a recessive chin and 'steep jaw angle' and you would like your lower jaw to appear WIDER.
One of the objectives of CCW, ( in cases when aesthetic improvement can be achieved that way) is to make LESS steep the angle of inclination of the mandibular plane which I'm assuming you mean that when you say steep 'jaw angle'.
Generally speaking, a sliding genio with movements forward and UP (horizontal and upward vertical vectors of displacement) to address chin recession is added which is consistent with the objective of CCW because it too when added helps to decrease an overly steep angle of the mandibular plane.
Conceptually speaking, when things in the background are brought more toward the foreground, they appear wider.
With regard to the concept behind CCW, someone with a steep mandibular plane getting CCW with the aesthetic objective of making the MP less steep, would most likely need the genio with the displacement vectors consistent with making the MP less steep. Your ponderings of getting a downward genio are inconsistent with this objective and also inconsistent with your wanting your lower jaw (masseter area) to look wider.