Author Topic: Can removal of wisdom teeth as an adult cause a negative aesthetic impact?  (Read 3742 times)


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Re: Can removal of wisdom teeth as an adult cause a negative aesthetic impact?
« Reply #15 on: October 16, 2017, 11:26:05 PM »
It takes time to see a change, especially if you remove them in your 10's or 20's and especially if your a man. (Women are candidate to osteoporosis and may lose bone more quickly).
Issues come years after for most people. They don't see the link with WT removal and think they age not well bevcause of genetic.

Honest dentist talk about the narrowing of the cheeks on their Website. But it has a negative effect and not a good effect.

Removing bicuspids is a huge mistake seriously. The growth is not finished and it stopped jaw developpment.
Premolars and molars support the cheeks.

My second sister has her 2 upper canines removed when she was young. She has a narrow face but ages well....

The best thing is to expand jaw during the growth to avoid extractions.