Author Topic: Mike Mew  (Read 13580 times)


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Re: Mike Mew
« Reply #15 on: October 27, 2017, 02:48:43 PM »
My mother lives off microwave meals and always has done, according to her. Her bone structure and palate are more or less ideal. It's nearly all genetic IMO. Even the predisposition for developing jaw issues involves genetic factors. 

It's like people who gain weight very easily - they need to work 10x harder to look just 50% as good as someone else. Life is not fair. Looks and skin are similar. Some people need nothing, others need almost everything, and repeatedly.


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Re: Mike Mew
« Reply #16 on: October 28, 2017, 01:33:22 AM »
I agree with you Girl : jaws developpement is also determined by genetical factors.
I was talking with Kavan about genetic alteration of the whole humanity,
Of course, there are individual variations, transmitted from generation of generation.

My sisters' jaws are kind of narrow as mine.
But regarding my class 2 issue, it's defietely my bad oral habits that lead to that. But I saw that oral habits can also be genetically determined ! A family of thumb suckers exists, it can be a neurological habit, genetetically determined !

It's not always evident to distinguish between the factors.
For example, my partner is a mouth breather (with long face syndrome and a huge sleep apnea.)
Is it because he had already a narrow airway when he was a child that he was forced to breath with his mouth ?
Or it is the habit of breathing with his mouth that left him with a narrow airway (his jaw grew vertically and not forward) ?

I believe it's a vicious circle.

Anyway, the best thing to do is to have a consultation with an HONEST orthodontist before 8 to expand the jaws. There are not orthothropics practicionner everywhere and orthodontists don't always do harmfull stuff.

The things to avoid is :
 headgear  (because it involved the TMJ and moved the upper jaws backward => flat cheeks)
retractive braces (new kind of braces exist that doesn't retract the jaws)
extractions (however, I read that it can be necessary but very seldom and has to be avoid as much as possible).

The dentist's book I've read mentionned Mike Mew only one time :
She was talking about that orthodontists doesn't care about the aesthetical damages of braces etc. contrary to Mew who is aware of that issue.


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Re: Mike Mew
« Reply #17 on: October 28, 2017, 07:08:43 PM »
My mother lives off microwave meals and always has done, according to her. Her bone structure and palate are more or less ideal. It's nearly all genetic IMO. Even the predisposition for developing jaw issues involves genetic factors. 

It's like people who gain weight very easily - they need to work 10x harder to look just 50% as good as someone else. Life is not fair. Looks and skin are similar. Some people need nothing, others need almost everything, and repeatedly.

I agree. Models in my age range 25-35 grew up eating the junk garbage food ugly ppl did yet are good looking, its cause of their genes


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Re: Mike Mew
« Reply #18 on: October 29, 2017, 12:41:52 AM »
When we are adults, jaws developpement is over.
Even if it's garbage food, they chew anyway. They're not on juice and soda H24.
What matters is what they have eaten in their childhood.


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Re: Mike Mew
« Reply #19 on: October 29, 2017, 09:36:07 AM »
I agree. Models in my age range 25-35 grew up eating the junk garbage food ugly ppl did yet are good looking, its cause of their genes

They probably come from a long line of ancestors with a better diet.
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Re: Mike Mew
« Reply #20 on: October 30, 2017, 04:16:29 PM »
I was well into what Mew was saying for about a year. I'm not so sure about the diet aspect, but I find it hard to disagree with the mouthbreathing connection. My sister and I ate the same foods, lived in the same house, both had orthodontics with extractions blah blah blah. She has the short, broad face of my father. I had frequent sinus infections (untreated) and allergies (untreated) and couldn't breath through my nose most of the time. I have a long, asymmetric face uncharacteristic of anyone in my family. I think if you are mouth breathing (for whatever reason) then you have teeth removed, and your jaws pulled backwards by long periods of orthodontics, you're likely going to end up f**ked.

Mike Mew is kinda weird. Passionate about his work but also a bit His father is one of the nicest people I have ever met, and I believe Mike means well, but has put his own neck on the line by voicing his opinions and, as a result, is not liked by most dentists, orthodontists, and jaw surgeons. He is a bit of a martyr. He's also a bit of a knob.

Most importantly, he's a f**king rip off, if you ask me.

I nearly paid him over £11k for non surgical palate expansion, and balloons shoved up my nose and inflated. Because I agreed with much of his theory about mouthbreathing and facial divergence, and I felt he was genuine, I so nearly went ahead with it. It was the NCR bollocks that put me off. The palate expansion was a fraction of the cost of the NCR, but he only provides it as a package. You basically become a guinea pig for some pseudo science experiment. He wanted me to put in all these hours of adjusting my posture (if I have one good trait, it's boss posture), and breathing and stuff. I started thinking, "what the f**k am I paying you this money for when I'm doing all the work?". Plus he said that if I wasn't committed, it would not be successful. So if I got a crappy result, surely he would just say it was my fault. In the end he actually refused to treat me any way because he had decided to only treat people under age 21. Think he realised that there were limits to what he was offering.

Irrelevant as it is; his dad is a total dude. He even built his own castle.


I also bought into the ncr and palate expansion device.


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Re: Mike Mew
« Reply #21 on: October 30, 2017, 05:06:19 PM »
Thing is i had untreated allergies, freuqnet sinus infextions frequent strep throat, breather throufh my mouth and i have the opposite ,an assymetrical under developed,recesed small midface. I dont have long face


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Re: Mike Mew
« Reply #22 on: October 31, 2017, 09:33:30 AM »
I thought that orthotropics were useless after 12... and I've read that NCR was a scam, expensive and even dangerous.

Earl : does your surgery imporove your breath issues, allergies, etc ?


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Re: Mike Mew
« Reply #23 on: November 01, 2017, 01:03:57 PM »
I thought that orthotropics were useless after 12... and I've read that NCR was a scam, expensive and even dangerous.

Earl : does your surgery imporove your breath issues, allergies, etc ?

No surgery sidnt impact it. Ncr isnt dangerous, i actually think it might have some value,but is unproven and its very easy to provd is these giys,wanted to do it, but i feel they dont cause if if doesnt really work they lose money


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Re: Mike Mew
« Reply #24 on: November 02, 2017, 12:47:22 PM »
Also im not sure how relevent this argument is, but if all this stuff were legit, then ever longstanding weston a price chapter member must have gorgous kids. Id imagine they wouls parade photos of this all over the place. To date i havent seen any UGLY child with ugly parents get turned gorgous by weston or mew etc. I have seen the photos where they claim proves that food etc ruins looks at its a stretch at best


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Re: Mike Mew
« Reply #25 on: November 02, 2017, 01:57:19 PM »
I don't know earl, but nowadays, I notice that children have flat cheeks and bags under their eyes.
Maybe it's not just the diet but a bad lifestyle with screen and blue light, not enought sleep...
All of this can affect growth in general.

Genetics do a lot but oral habits destroy a lot too (much than a poor diet).


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Re: Mike Mew
« Reply #26 on: November 02, 2017, 04:15:26 PM »
Also im not sure how relevent this argument is, but if all this stuff were legit, then ever longstanding weston a price chapter member must have gorgous kids. Id imagine they wouls parade photos of this all over the place. To date i havent seen any UGLY child with ugly parents get turned gorgous by weston or mew etc. I have seen the photos where they claim proves that food etc ruins looks at its a stretch at best

Weston Price is DEAD. He was a dentist who did research on nutrition and health development as it also applied to teeth and tooth bearing structures of the face. The Weston Price FOUNDATION is just something set up by other people who liked his theories. His research, observations and theories have been published for a LONG TIME. Here is info that gives a list of his written works.    His stuff has always been controversial. None the less, an interesting read.
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Re: Mike Mew
« Reply #27 on: November 02, 2017, 06:06:32 PM »
Weston Price is DEAD. He was a dentist who did research on nutrition and health development as it also applied to teeth and tooth bearing structures of the face. The Weston Price FOUNDATION is just something set up by other people who liked his theories. His research, observations and theories have been published for a LONG TIME. Here is info that gives a list of his written works.    His stuff has always been controversial. None the less, an interesting read.

Yes i know hes dead and know about the foundation. I meant ppl who follow his work and put it in to practice


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Re: Mike Mew
« Reply #28 on: November 04, 2017, 06:47:06 PM »
here's an article about some of the things I was mentioning like where eating soft foods OVER TIME (generations) produces different skull bone structure.
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Re: Mike Mew
« Reply #29 on: November 06, 2017, 12:43:03 AM »
I can't remove or modify above post so please just ignore it at this stage.


[deleted by mod at request of Ben30]

Awhile back I read an interesting book called "Shut your mouth save your life" it is a very old book  and worth reading if your interested in WAP and Mike Mew.


« Last Edit: November 06, 2017, 07:59:05 AM by kavan »