Author Topic: Clockwise Rotation / Anterior Downgraft  (Read 6555 times)


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Re: Clockwise Rotation / Anterior Downgraft
« Reply #15 on: November 15, 2017, 06:29:02 PM »
Ok, I understood everything except the second paragraph.. and I will try again to make something out of it

If I drop my jaw and sort of stretch out the midface, I don't dislike the result, in fact, I prefer it.. it's just difficult to know how reliable that is

The big question mark is always soft tissue.. I've seen the lower third flatten and nasolabial folds improve, which would make sense? I'm not sure what else could occure. For example, with advancement my cheeks dropped from the upper midface all the way down next to my mouth.

There are subjective issues as well, like the fact I look "harsher" after surgery. and I remember thinking I looked less caucasian.

Harsher can't really be measured, but the look I dislike I see on people with either big or unnecessary advancements and/or impactions, so I save hope.

As far as caucasian features go, I've seen skulls compared and the european has a longer face and less advanced lower third, explaining what I noticed.

I'm curious if anything happens to the nose as well.

Now excuse me for reading too much into things, but I'm terrified of doing the wrong thing (AGAIN) and can't simply trust. :'(


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Re: Clockwise Rotation / Anterior Downgraft
« Reply #16 on: November 15, 2017, 06:49:39 PM »
Ok, I understood everything except the second paragraph.. and I will try again to make something out of it

If I drop my jaw and sort of stretch out the midface, I don't dislike the result, in fact, I prefer it.. it's just difficult to know how reliable that is

The big question mark is always soft tissue.. I've seen the lower third flatten and nasolabial folds improve, which would make sense? I'm not sure what else could occure. For example, with advancement my cheeks dropped from the upper midface all the way down next to my mouth.

There are subjective issues as well, like the fact I look "harsher" after surgery. and I remember thinking I looked less caucasian.

Harsher can't really be measured, but the look I dislike I see on people with either big or unnecessary advancements and/or impactions, so I save hope.

As far as caucasian features go, I've seen skulls compared and the european has a longer face and less advanced lower third, explaining what I noticed.

I'm curious if anything happens to the nose as well.

Now excuse me for reading too much into things, but I'm terrified of doing the wrong thing (AGAIN) and can't simply trust. :'(

Well, it's hard to describe how to rotate something in one's head.
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Re: Clockwise Rotation / Anterior Downgraft
« Reply #17 on: November 16, 2017, 04:59:54 PM »
If I drop my jaw and sort of stretch out the midface, I don't dislike the result, in fact, I prefer it.. it's just difficult to know how reliable that is

OK. Forget about the part where you stretch out your midface. But relate the jaw movement to the type of rotation you are doing.

The big question mark is always soft tissue.. I've seen the lower third flatten and nasolabial folds improve, which would make sense? I'm not sure what else could occure. For example, with advancement my cheeks dropped from the upper midface all the way down next to my mouth.

Re-evaluate your observational skills and cross reference them with what lefort 1 advancment actually does. Does it actually 'lower' cheeks or do they just look less prominent when the area below them is advanced out?

There are subjective issues as well, like the fact I look "harsher" after surgery. and I remember thinking I looked less caucasian.

Harsher can't really be measured, but the look I dislike I see on people with either big or unnecessary advancements and/or impactions, so I save hope.

As far as caucasian features go, I've seen skulls compared and the european has a longer face and less advanced lower third, explaining what I noticed.

I'm curious if anything happens to the nose as well.

Now excuse me for reading too much into things, but I'm terrified of doing the wrong thing (AGAIN) and can't simply trust. :'(

As far as Caucasian skulls go, were you looking at the dolichocephalic, brachycephalic or mesocephalic. Which of the MANY sub-groups of European were these skulls?
Which category does your cephalic index fit into, dolio,brachy or meso? Basically, were you looking at skulls of the same cephalic type as your own?
You don't have to answer these questions to ME. But if you can't answer them to YOURSELF, it's prudent to be cautious about what assumptions you're making in the decsision making process.

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Re: Clockwise Rotation / Anterior Downgraft
« Reply #18 on: November 17, 2017, 11:36:00 AM »
Easy to answer..

I stretched the philthrum area to imagine it longer only. Since it's impossible to simulate a maxilla going down and inward, I know it's not even close to exact.

Lefort 1 made my zygomatic bone less prominent, though the actual fat from my cheeks was dragged down..

As far as ethnicties, I'm not concerned with the result looking any particular way.. it was an observation based on what's likely no more than a stereotype in mind..

I guess there are also blacks with longer, leaner faces and others with really prominent maxillas.


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Re: Clockwise Rotation / Anterior Downgraft
« Reply #19 on: November 17, 2017, 01:19:06 PM »
Easy to answer..

I stretched the philthrum area to imagine it longer only. Since it's impossible to simulate a maxilla going down and inward, I know it's not even close to exact.

Lefort 1 made my zygomatic bone less prominent, though the actual fat from my cheeks was dragged down..

As far as ethnicties, I'm not concerned with the result looking any particular way.. it was an observation based on what's likely no more than a stereotype in mind..

I guess there are also blacks with longer, leaner faces and others with really prominent maxillas.

Well, (with the exception to the Lefort 1 question) you didn't answer the questions as asked. It was easier for you not to.

An appropriate answer for some of them actually would be; 'I don't know'.
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Re: Clockwise Rotation / Anterior Downgraft
« Reply #20 on: November 17, 2017, 04:24:26 PM »
Yeah, I don't know the last one and honestly didn't even intend to come across as if I had that much of a clue..

I simply remember having the thought of looking less caucasian in the beginning months post-op. When I saw the photo of the skulls (by chance, for something unrelated to this), it seemed to make sense it would be that way considering the movements I had done..

The fact I thought something looked more or less white, black, asian, aboriginal, etc. had to be based on a stereotype image of each as a whole. It was a general impression, nothing more. I hadn't even stopped to think of variations within ethnicities (hey, clueless me) or analyzed anything in detail/proportion-wise.

Regarding "relating the jaw movement to the rotation you're having".. the only relatively precise thing you can do is drop your jaw a bit and observe how it looks going down and back. I wrote in a previous comment I had done that and think it looks better. I actually don't hate my genio after the fact.

In clarifying the part about stretching the philthrum, it was so you wouldn't get the impression of me trying to make exact predictions off of it.

I've seen photos where after impaction, the philthrum and face as a whole look bigger. I would assume it's because the lower third moved closer to the eye of the observer, since technically there's less bone. That being said, I'm unsure whether downgrafting produces the immediate opposite outcome.

Back to Lefort 1, I've witnessed other people with large maxillary advancements have a same effect on their soft tissue, other than easily spotting it in before/after photos of myself.

When writing "easy to answer", I had the latter aspects in mind..


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Re: Clockwise Rotation / Anterior Downgraft
« Reply #21 on: November 17, 2017, 05:47:30 PM »
I would not expect you to know the answers to the skull questions, cephalic groups of such.
Here is photo of girl who's actually from Caucasia, the country,Georgia.

Anterior impaction, (when done for VME) lets the lower jaw swing up and out (CCW) to come more forward to the viewers eye whereas when the CW of the VME swung it down and back, it was further away from viewers eye. Anterior downgrafting would tend towards the opposite; jaw swinging CW--down and back.
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Re: Clockwise Rotation / Anterior Downgraft
« Reply #22 on: November 17, 2017, 07:04:43 PM »
your philltrum is fine and won't elongate since your soft tissue seems very firm. I would however get a slight lengthening genioplasty. Your chin seems a bit "squashed" and I think an elongating genioplasty would make your jawline and chin appear more elengant. There's nothing wrong with a strong chin on a woman. In fact look at Jessica Chastain and Julianne Moore --their chins are amazing.


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Re: Clockwise Rotation / Anterior Downgraft
« Reply #23 on: November 20, 2017, 02:39:41 PM »
I would not expect you to know the answers to the skull questions, cephalic groups of such.
Here is photo of girl who's actually from Caucasia, the country,Georgia.

Anterior impaction, (when done for VME) lets the lower jaw swing up and out (CCW) to come more forward to the viewers eye whereas when the CW of the VME swung it down and back, it was further away from viewers eye. Anterior downgrafting would tend towards the opposite; jaw swinging CW--down and back.

I used 'caucasian' as synonymous with 'white'. That littlle girl would fit right in where I live, though.

I'm aware anterior impaction and anterior downgrafting are technically exact opposites movements, what makes me wonder is whether the nose and soft tissue respond in nearly exact opposite ways.


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Re: Clockwise Rotation / Anterior Downgraft
« Reply #24 on: November 20, 2017, 03:13:45 PM »
your philltrum is fine and won't elongate since your soft tissue seems very firm. I would however get a slight lengthening genioplasty. Your chin seems a bit "squashed" and I think an elongating genioplasty would make your jawline and chin appear more elengant. There's nothing wrong with a strong chin on a woman. In fact look at Jessica Chastain and Julianne Moore --their chins are amazing.

Looking back, the women I'd consider most beautiful all have strong chins. Jessica being one.

The thing is, you have to take face and chin shape into account..

If the angle of my jaw becomes steeper, would a lengthening genio be a good idea then (aesthetically)? .. I really don't know.

I have strain on my chin, still, after surgery. I'm not sure if the problem is scar tissue, plates, or down right bone..

I would agree to it in a heartbeat for the functional aspect, at this point..


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Re: Clockwise Rotation / Anterior Downgraft
« Reply #25 on: November 20, 2017, 03:16:27 PM »
I used 'caucasian' as synonymous with 'white'. That littlle girl would fit right in where I live, though.

I'm aware anterior impaction and anterior downgrafting are technically exact opposites movements, what makes me wonder is whether the nose and soft tissue respond in nearly exact opposite ways.

When ever I read people mention Caucasian, skulls with 'longer' faces they have seen (somewhere), they're usually referring to Nordic or Anglo-Saxon or skulls closer to the dolchioceph range than the brachioceph range. Also, people with extremely dark skin who aren't often called 'white' are Caucasians. Eg. people from India.

The closest prediction of anticipated changes are seen on a ceph displacement diagram where the max fax not only tells you he can give you anterior downgraft but shows you a proposal of the profile changes. A ceph displacement proposal is basically 2 contour tracings shown on the same diagram.
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