Yeah, I looked into that. Couldn't find much. Had a site which had them, but no photos or cases.
I wonder what books etc are a good starting point for plastic surgeries, btw. I might look into those before actually planning procedures etc.
You keep on referring to 'plastic surgery', you need 'plastic surgery', you want to know which 'plastic surgery' books to read.
What you need to do is recognize that plastic surgery and maxillo-facial surgery are 2 different venues, the latter with primary focus on BONE CUTTING and rearrangement of bones.
Plastic surgery FIRST or main priority is only relevant to people where it can 'mimic' some of the bone displacements in max-fax. For example IF jaws are misalligned and significantly so, the first venue of correction is max-fax.
Although you might need plastic surgery, there is no way to tell from your written content IF it's actually max fax which you need to do first to set the ground work for for what PS venue is aimed at improving.
Discussion about 'wondering' about procedures or if they are 'worth it' goes NO WHERE in the absence of any VISUALS that would allow others to cross reference if these wonderings apply to what ever you might or might not have.
That said, I would ask you IF you've even ever consulted with a max fax. Your best bet for any constructive advice on here is to put up a photo of a CEPH.