It's just basic mechanics.
1) If you rotate the upper jaw 10 degrees clockwise, you're going to have an abnormally clockwise tilted maxillary plane after that.
2) If you don't do a BSSO as well, your back teeth won't meet.
Here's a 10 degree clockwise posterior impaction of the maxilla without BBSO:
Back teeth don't remotely meet and the maxillary plane is absurdly rotated.
Here's 4 degrees clockwise of both jaws which gives a more reasonable compromise among the planes:
One other interesting thing to observe is how dramatically your mandibular plane (line along the bottom of your jaw) changed and went clockwise from preop. Again for reference, your preop angle was almost flat:
An incredible and enviably square jaw!
I don't know how it went so CW inclined just from a BSSO advancement. That BSSO destroyed your square mandibular angles and looks like they're not coming back. If you want that back, you'd need mandibular angle implants. But that's a more minor issue potentially.