First of all a big belated "thank you" for reading and replying, haven't been much on the forum lately but I have news!!!
I finally visited Dr. Z and pretty much the scan made before were not correct, he asked me to make new ones, which I will upload when dr. Z have send it to me.
1. He agrees with fixing the inwards positioning teeth via orthodontic treatment.
2. Based on the scans I send him prior the consultation, he suggested a CCW.. after seeing me in person (and seeing the new scans), also hearing about my mandibular joint problems, a CCW is not going to be the case anymore, because it will only worsen my TMJ.
3. For the gummy smile: impaction of maybe 3mm and bringing the maxilla forward, not sure tho, it depends on the orthodontic treatment before the surgery, if the maxilla is brought forward enough.
4. For my side profile he wants to do a chin-wing and also bringing the lower jaw a bit forward (BSSO I guess? He didn't use the term)
5. I asked him about the incisor implants, that Defranq brought up in his consultation with me, and he told me that SAPE is going to change my bite completely and I have to walk around with a huge hole in my upper jaw for a couple of months. I dunno guys, he was a bit skeptical about that.
He told me that my teeth, in their current position, are good aligned and the bite is correct. If I want to widen the upper jaw for the implants, I have to fix the lower jaw afterward, is it worth it? With the TMJ in mind, how less surgery how better indeed.. I have bad joins unfortunately. It hurts when I chew long and it pops in and out every time I open up my mouth.
5. Or SKIP everything, and only go with a chin-wing, so chin-wing without the bimax guys! Because I don't look that bad. But first I have to visit my orthodontist. I scheduled an appointment for over two week.
Oh and let me know what you think! Feedback is very much appreciated