Author Topic: Overjet problem pictures included  (Read 2297 times)


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Overjet problem pictures included
« on: February 08, 2018, 03:35:20 AM »
Hello everyone,
I will keep this post as short as possible, but I guess it will be quite long. If you can, please take your time to read it.
I didn’t find a better place to post this.
I am considering braces, and need your advice on whether it would be a good decision. I am considering Invisalign to be precise.

So, I am 23, I had braces when I was younger to fix big gaps between teeth. At the time I was happy just fixing my huge gap between upper front teeth that was making me severely self conscious. I also had dental overjet which was much improved with braces, but I decided to take them off while still leaving some overjet. Combine that with not wearing retainers, my overjet is quite noticeable from profile. Would I like to fix it?Sure!
But, I have some concerns.

I have heard on on multiple occasions that braces tend to lengthen faces and make chin/jaw more recessed. Since I have quite a long face already due to some mouthbreathing as a child, and having lip incompetence my whole life, I don't want my face to get any longer.

The second thing is, right now, at rest my lower lip rests on my upper front teeth. That way it is aligned with my upper lip which is quite protruded. I fear that when I straighten my overjet, my lower lip will be much more recessed making me look weird from profile. Like some kind of a bird.

I would really like to fix my overjet, but I am not willing to sacrifice any facial aesthetics for that.
What do you guys think? Should I go through with braces? Do you think it will lengthen my face and make my lower lip recessed? Please give me as much advice as possible. I will be very grateful:)

P.s. I am getting a surgery to straighten my nose and improve breathing this year. Also, I plan to have a genioplasty in the future. Do you think I should also do maxillary impaction to treat my gummy smile and long midface?

PICS(I look awful because I had a ingrown toenail surgery and have the flu at the same time):

Thank you very much!


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Re: Overjet problem pictures included
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2018, 09:24:55 AM »
Hello everyone,
I will keep this post as short as possible, but I guess it will be quite long. If you can, please take your time to read it.
I didn’t find a better place to post this.
I am considering braces, and need your advice on whether it would be a good decision. I am considering Invisalign to be precise.

So, I am 23, I had braces when I was younger to fix big gaps between teeth. At the time I was happy just fixing my huge gap between upper front teeth that was making me severely self conscious. I also had dental overjet which was much improved with braces, but I decided to take them off while still leaving some overjet. Combine that with not wearing retainers, my overjet is quite noticeable from profile. Would I like to fix it?Sure!
But, I have some concerns.

I have heard on on multiple occasions that braces tend to lengthen faces and make chin/jaw more recessed. Since I have quite a long face already due to some mouthbreathing as a child, and having lip incompetence my whole life, I don't want my face to get any longer.

The second thing is, right now, at rest my lower lip rests on my upper front teeth. That way it is aligned with my upper lip which is quite protruded. I fear that when I straighten my overjet, my lower lip will be much more recessed making me look weird from profile. Like some kind of a bird.

I would really like to fix my overjet, but I am not willing to sacrifice any facial aesthetics for that.
What do you guys think? Should I go through with braces? Do you think it will lengthen my face and make my lower lip recessed? Please give me as much advice as possible. I will be very grateful:)

P.s. I am getting a surgery to straighten my nose and improve breathing this year. Also, I plan to have a genioplasty in the future. Do you think I should also do maxillary impaction to treat my gummy smile and long midface?

PICS(I look awful because I had a ingrown toenail surgery and have the flu at the same time):

Thank you very much!

Hi, since you relay a question regarding the possibility of getting a lefort 1 , genioplasty and rhinoplasty, it would be best for you to cross reference with a doc who does the maxfax surgery to determine if you are a candidate for the double jaw surgery where gummy upper jaw is addressed as is the lower jaw and chin and quite possibly the nose.

Braces where the sole goal is to adjust the teeth, especially an overjet are usually in the opposite direction of braces to prepare for a maxfax surgery. So, you would need to FIRST establish your candidacy for a potential maxfax surgery before deciding on braces. You don't want to find out AFTER you get the braces that you were a candidate for the maxfax. Because IF you decided at a later time to have the surgery, the direction of the braces would need to be reversed.
Please. No PMs for private advice. Board issues only.


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Re: Overjet problem pictures included
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2018, 10:17:03 AM »
Hi, since you relay a question regarding the possibility of getting a lefort 1 , genioplasty and rhinoplasty, it would be best for you to cross reference with a doc who does the maxfax surgery to determine if you are a candidate for the double jaw surgery where gummy upper jaw is addressed as is the lower jaw and chin and quite possibly the nose.

Braces where the sole goal is to adjust the teeth, especially an overjet are usually in the opposite direction of braces to prepare for a maxfax surgery. So, you would need to FIRST establish your candidacy for a potential maxfax surgery before deciding on braces. You don't want to find out AFTER you get the braces that you were a candidate for the maxfax. Because IF you decided at a later time to have the surgery, the direction of the braces would need to be reversed.

Hi, since you relay a question regarding the possibility of getting a lefort 1 , genioplasty and rhinoplasty, it would be best for you to cross reference with a doc who does the maxfax surgery to determine if you are a candidate for the double jaw surgery where gummy upper jaw is addressed as is the lower jaw and chin and quite possibly the nose.

Braces where the sole goal is to adjust the teeth, especially an overjet are usually in the opposite direction of braces to prepare for a maxfax surgery. So, you would need to FIRST establish your candidacy for a potential maxfax surgery before deciding on braces. You don't want to find out AFTER you get the braces that you were a candidate for the maxfax. Because IF you decided at a later time to have the surgery, the direction of the braces would need to be reversed.

Thank you for your reply. It is a really difficul decision for me. What do you think I should do? Based on my pictures, do you reccomend a lefort I? I am sure I will first get a nose job. Genio I will probably have one day because I have some assymetry in the chin. Lefort I on the other hand I am not very eager to get since gummy smile doesn’t bother me that much, and it seems like a huge surgery.
I posted pictures earlier this year on this forum and was told that my jaws aren’t recessed. My bite is very good also. So it would be only for aesthetic reasons I would have a lefort I.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2018, 10:26:38 AM by carli »


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Re: Overjet problem pictures included
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2018, 10:57:22 AM »
Hello Carli,

I'm not a doctor, but here's my opinion : your profile looks good.

However, your smile and upper jaw seems to me too narrow.
If I were you I would choose a SARPE.
Your smile would be broader, plus it would diminish the overjet.


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Re: Overjet problem pictures included
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2018, 10:59:43 AM »
Thank you for your reply. It is a really difficul decision for me. What do you think I should do? Based on my pictures, do you reccomend a lefort I? I am sure I will first get a nose job. Genio I will probably have one day because I have some assymetry in the chin. Lefort I on the other hand I am not very eager to get since gummy smile doesn’t bother me that much, and it seems like a huge surgery.
I posted pictures earlier this year on this forum and was told that my jaws aren’t recessed. My bite is very good also. So it would be only for aesthetic reasons I would have a lefort I.

What I think you should do is get more information from a maxfax surgeon whether or not your situation resolves to candidacy for maxfax (jaw surgery) where any issues of 'long face', chin and rhino can be addressed at same time.

What I can tell you is that the DECISION to get braces should come AFTER the candidacy for maxfax surgery is RULED OUT. It should not come BEFORE you ascertain information as to whether or not you are a candidate for the maxfax surgery.

It is similar type of decision making with rhino and genio. A rhino is best done after a maxfax procedure (sometimes during) and a genio best done at same time as maxfax. So, you have to FIRST find out IF you are a candidate for the maxfax surgery even for 'aesthetic reasons'.

Please. No PMs for private advice. Board issues only.


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Re: Overjet problem pictures included
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2018, 02:55:31 AM »
First of all, the lighting of your full frontal face picture is less than ideal. It should be equal brightness on both sides. We can't judge accurately without this—when a whole side of your face is shaded, it makes the shaded region appear to have more dimension than it actually does (and this is why this technique is used often by professional photographers when doing headshots: Plus, your face is too close to the camera which is known to result in lens distortion, making your face appear artificially longer than it actually is.

Beyond that issue, other commenters are right that your smile is too narrow. You have what's called "nevative space" in your buccal corridor meaning that there's too much space between your teeth and the corners of your lips. Don't get braces because if they'll do anything to mitigate the issue, it'd be by rotating your teeth outward which can make your jaw angle even steeper and your face even longer. I agree that SARPE is the way to go.


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Re: Overjet problem pictures included
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2018, 08:02:50 AM »
First of all, the lighting of your full frontal face picture is less than ideal. It should be equal brightness on both sides. We can't judge accurately without this—when a whole side of your face is shaded, it makes the shaded region appear to have more dimension than it actually does (and this is why this technique is used often by professional photographers when doing headshots: Plus, your face is too close to the camera which is known to result in lens distortion, making your face appear artificially longer than it actually is.

Beyond that issue, other commenters are right that your smile is too narrow. You have what's called "nevative space" in your buccal corridor meaning that there's too much space between your teeth and the corners of your lips. Don't get braces because if they'll do anything to mitigate the issue, it'd be by rotating your teeth outward which can make your jaw angle even steeper and your face even longer. I agree that SARPE is the way to go.

Hi, thank you all for replying. I must say that the picture of my smile I took looks very weird and inaccuarte now when I look at it. It was a forced smile/grin trying to show off the most gummy version of my smile. I actually don’t have such a narrow palate. I even measured the palate width, and conpared it to the “average” I found on one site. It was even slightly above average. I will post another picture to try to give you a more accurate version.

Having said that, let’s say I get SARPE, but my bite is perfect as said by orthodontists, wouldn’t that thwow my bite out of balance? Anyway, I will definitely discuss all this with an ortho and a maxfax surgeron.


Haha I feel really awkward taking such close up photos of my face and posting them for people to analyze, but it's for a good cause here.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2018, 08:43:12 AM by carli »


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Re: Overjet problem pictures included
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2018, 01:34:15 PM »
Yes your upper jaw looks less narrow, but still narrow comparing to your lower jaw.