Hi all. I have an appointment to see a maxillofacial surgeon concerning my poor breathing, especially worse at night when I lie down, I have to arch my neck back to get sufficient air. I always wake up unrefreshed, so I had a sleep study done but they said I did not have apnea, however my sleep architecture was very poor, getting little deep sleep, and also having quite a few arousals. Even though the sleep study came back negative for apnea I am still convinced that breathing difficulties at night time are causing my poor sleep, this is because I have had some improvement in my sleep using jaw advancement devices and cpap(both however I cannot tolerate consistently). I believe my receding jaw is to blame for this, as it feels like my tongue is constantly pressing against my soft pallet making it difficult to breath. Can anyone answer the following questions?
1) Do you think the maxillofacial surgeon will perform the same type of surgery for sleep apnea(bimax and genio?) to open up my airways even though I dont have sleep apnea?
2) From the xray do you think the doctor will be able to say with some certainty that "x" is causing my poor sleep/poor breathing? i.e are there some common anatomy traits that leave some more predisposed to poor breathing during sleep/in general?
3) Has anyone had an improvement in speech after having surgery for a receding jaw?