My Mother has a small cute nose, great bone structure, face shape and smile, and is 5'7". Straight teeth except one on top with no ortho work. Tanned skin and mid brown hair
I'm 5'1", white skin, black hair and eyebrows. I so wish I got my Mother's face but no - I got my paternal great-grandfathers face. I got my face from my paternal grandfather and my body from my paternal grandmother, and nothing from my mother looks wise except my one squint tooth on the top. I have the literally the exact same face as my father, apart from the nose (smaller) and cheekbones (bigger) - however my lip discrepancy is MUCH worse, as was my double chin pre-lipo. Could be because I'm female and have high oestrogen or it could be a result of my previous ortho work or it could be because I got sick a lot when I was about 1 or 2 years old - some of my teeth developed with really bad enamel so it's not impossible to imagine it affected other parts of my skeleton
My sister got my mother's basic bone structure except her nose, and the exact same body and colouring.
The good thing about looking so like my father is that I know how my face is going to age so can try and pre-empt things.

Luckily as a woman it's easier to change your face with make up, botox, fillers etc. You can easily make a round eye look almond, contour in cheekbones, get botox to lift the brow, lip fillers etc.
Re: genes, it's about the body as well as the face. You could have perfect facial bone structure and an awful body. My bone structure isn't great but I pack a hell of a waist-hip ratio so I guess my genes can't be that bad