Author Topic: Please Recommend Doctors for LeFort I/III Distraction Osteogenesis  (Read 5961 times)


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This is the procedure I think I will need and I believe the trauma will be less and the complications less by doing DO instead of traditional surgery. I have midface hypoplasia which causes a negative vertex with the eyes. The orbital rims are weak and makes me look always tired. The mouth is also narrow and not prominent so I don’t think the midface can be advanced much in a LeFort III without also advancing the upper and lower jaws by LeFort I.

Any advice on a few of the better doctors to consult? I had been talking with Dr. Sinn’s office in Texas but he doesn’t do the distraction osteogenesis. Would really appreciate some advice as this is where I’m stuck. Most docs I’ve come across just don’t do this procedure or there is no info on them. Please help. Thanks!


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Re: Please Recommend Doctors for LeFort I/III Distraction Osteogenesis
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2018, 06:44:20 PM »
This is the procedure I think I will need and I believe the trauma will be less and the complications less by doing DO instead of traditional surgery. I have midface hypoplasia which causes a negative vertex with the eyes. The orbital rims are weak and makes me look always tired. The mouth is also narrow and not prominent so I don’t think the midface can be advanced much in a LeFort III without also advancing the upper and lower jaws by LeFort I.

Any advice on a few of the better doctors to consult? I had been talking with Dr. Sinn’s office in Texas but he doesn’t do the distraction osteogenesis. Would really appreciate some advice as this is where I’m stuck. Most docs I’ve come across just don’t do this procedure or there is no info on them. Please help. Thanks!

Nobody. It's rarely done on infants but you'll never get a max fac or cranio dude to do this on you. Never. So forget about it.


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Re: Please Recommend Doctors for LeFort I/III Distraction Osteogenesis
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2018, 07:37:08 PM »
This is the procedure I think I will need and I believe the trauma will be less and the complications less by doing DO instead of traditional surgery. I have midface hypoplasia which causes a negative vertex with the eyes. The orbital rims are weak and makes me look always tired. The mouth is also narrow and not prominent so I don’t think the midface can be advanced much in a LeFort III without also advancing the upper and lower jaws by LeFort I.

Any advice on a few of the better doctors to consult? I had been talking with Dr. Sinn’s office in Texas but he doesn’t do the distraction osteogenesis. Would really appreciate some advice as this is where I’m stuck. Most docs I’ve come across just don’t do this procedure or there is no info on them. Please help. Thanks!

You THINK you need a procedure but it looks like you don't know what you're talking about. Negative 'VERTEX' it's negative VECTOR.
Lefort 3 also advances the lefort 1 area (and the NOSE too). Google what a L3 advances. Lefort anything does not advance the lower jaw. Get a grip on how to communicate before trying to explain what you 'need'.
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So you’re the moderator and that’s how you respond to someone asking a good faith question who simply used the wrong word? I sure won’t make any further use of this forum. Thanks for letting me know what you’re all about. I know full well what the LeFort I and III move. It should have been clear from the question that I simply meant the 3 would look weird if the jaws didn’t come forward tools . Excuse me for saying it the wrong way. Don’t worry, I won’t make the mistake again because I won’t be back. (And for the top poster, you’re wrong. Yes doctors DO perform LeFort distractions on adult patients. Jeez. Awful forum. Adios.


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Or....could it be that first time posters plopping in here contending they 'need a lefort3' who neither demonstrate knowledge associated with it nor present photos demonstrating they 'need' this are not welcome in the first place.

So, let it be known I discourage the 'I need a Lefort3 and all info as to where to have it.' group.

Happy to hear my 'welcoming' post did the trick.
Please. No PMs for private advice. Board issues only.


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Re: Please Recommend Doctors for LeFort I/III Distraction Osteogenesis
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2019, 10:58:26 AM »
If you are still looking into distraction osteogenesis, there is a surgeon on Australia that performs IMDO which I believe is the same thing. Have a a look at Dr Paul Coceancig at Profilo.
Best of luck,