Author Topic: Am i suffering from any mental disorders?  (Read 6271 times)


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Am i suffering from any mental disorders?
« on: June 02, 2018, 10:49:08 AM »
hey everyone,

Iv been a lurker for a few months now. I had tried numerous times to register here but it seemed like the admins werent accepting new members anymore. Someone was kind enough to lend me their account which is great.

Im new to all of this and would like some general insight. I need to know whether or not my concerns are logical and not completely derived from mental disorders.

Im going to share all that has been on my mind for the past year or so due to not being able to make an account. This is going to be long but bear with me.

A little background:

I have a class II overbite and a weak chin. Im undergoing a CW bimax advancement and a sliding genio.

I noticed that the jaw surgery would significantly weaken the upper portion of the midface (zygo/orbits) so I started looking into any osteotomies that would address that part of my face after the double jaw surgery. I have very weak orbits (especially to the outer corners) and also large orbital openings.

That is when i found out about this forum and consulted with a few doctors that would perform a modified lefort III. Im eventually going to have a modified lefort III, lamellar split(reverse L) and some lateral orbit advancement with Dr. S, after my jaw surgery.

Up until here, everything is sort of within reason, but there are some fundamental features of my face that I would like to change and Im not sure if it is even possible to do so. i have some concerns regarding my general face shape that I believe wont be easy to address.

unusual concerns:

Unfortunately, through my research, a big part of your facial balances is directly linked to your skull, and for me, that is not good.

basically, my whole head is just very narrow and small. the further away from the center of the face, the weaker my facial structure becomes. I have virtually no supraorbital rims. except that I have very big eyeballs. (you can spot this in my head CT where my eyes are closed).

My brows are close together and I would want them to potentially be wider set, in a strictly horizontal way. to reduce the arch.

there are no visible edges to my face, and that makes my face shape far from the desired square look.

Im not sure how exactly I should approach this. I know what I want, but im confused a bit.
is the answer to facial width an orbital box osteotomy? my eyes are a bit closed set but I dont think they need to move apart. I would like everything surrounding the eyes to move outwards.
I would like some of you to judge before bringing this up to sinn.

Im committed to achieving my aesthetic goals through any osteotomy possible. as long as its done by someone who knows what theyre doing and wouldnt cause blindness/death.

Heres a link to a couple of pics, A head CT, and a few images from different angles taken from a CBCT:

am I correct about my aesthetic needs?

Any help/advice is highly appreciated.

(Lazlo, i need to see ur mod lefort 3 results)

ps: there are no financial limitations in my case.


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Re: Am i suffering from any mental disorders?
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2018, 12:35:06 PM »
Looks like your 'mental disorder' precluded you from posting the WHOLE face.

Also IF 'money is no issue' as you state here and you would need more privacy to post whole photos, (the board does have a PRIVATE section)--did you get rejected with the sign up due to using a VPN???--, then entertain the possibility of giving the owner of this board; GJ a FINANCIAL DONATION.
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Re: Am i suffering from any mental disorders?
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2018, 02:03:54 PM »
I would say from those photos that you would have to be crazy to go through those highly invasive surgeries when you look normal and don’t look ‘bad’ at all.

Obviously I can’t comment on the chin and jaw because you haven’t posted pictures which is kind of strange on a jaw surgery board.


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Re: Am i suffering from any mental disorders?
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2018, 04:26:27 PM »
Looks like your 'mental disorder' precluded you from posting the WHOLE face.

Also IF 'money is no issue' as you state here and you would need more privacy to post whole photos, (the board does have a PRIVATE section)--did you get rejected with the sign up due to using a VPN???--, then entertain the possibility of giving the owner of this board; GJ a FINANCIAL DONATION.


Iv been trying to sign up for more than 7 months. so im not exactly why that is.

I really am not able to post a whole picture. and that has to partially do with mental disorders. Not sure where I would be able to post a whole pic. It would depend on the members of that private section.

tbh I would, this forum has produced some great information through the years.


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Re: Am i suffering from any mental disorders?
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2018, 04:29:06 PM »
I would say from those photos that you would have to be crazy to go through those highly invasive surgeries when you look normal and don’t look ‘bad’ at all.

Obviously I can’t comment on the chin and jaw because you haven’t posted pictures which is kind of strange on a jaw surgery board.

Im on the aesthetic section. which I believe is where you guys shared the list of doctors who perform mod le fort 3 and box osteotomy for aesthetic benefits.

I dont think those have anything to do with the lower third of the face.

Im getting what I can with my jaw.


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Re: Am i suffering from any mental disorders?
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2018, 06:15:24 PM »

Iv been trying to sign up for more than 7 months. so im not exactly why that is.

I really am not able to post a whole picture. and that has to partially do with mental disorders. Not sure where I would be able to post a whole pic. It would depend on the members of that private section.

tbh I would, this forum has produced some great information through the years.

You could post a whole pic on your IMGUR account. The private section is for 'shy' people BUT one has to be a trusted member to use it.
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Re: Am i suffering from any mental disorders?
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2018, 06:31:01 PM »
This has been transferred to the EMOTIONAL SUPPORT section given the TITLE chosen by the OP.   Also stuff like; Lefort 3, box osteo is 'red flag' for either lookism type or just addlepated.
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Re: Am i suffering from any mental disorders?
« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2018, 11:35:32 PM »
This has been transferred to the EMOTIONAL SUPPORT section given the TITLE chosen by the OP.   Also stuff like; Lefort 3, box osteo is 'red flag' for either lookism type or just addlepated.
sorry but i dont think if it wasnt needed, 3 different surgeons would agree to perform a mod lefort iii on me. Also I just mentioned box osteotomy as a sort of movement that Id like my upper face to go through.

If you take a look at the head CT, head shape is pretty transparent. eppley and yaremchuk both did support this.

now why im here, is to avoid implants.

you are entitled to believe these aggressive approaches are off the list in any aesthetic circumstances.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2018, 11:49:14 PM by accon »


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Re: Am i suffering from any mental disorders?
« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2018, 12:09:44 AM »
sorry but i dont think if it wasnt needed, 3 different surgeons would agree to perform a mod lefort iii on me. Also I just mentioned box osteotomy as a sort of movement that Id like my upper face to go through.

If you take a look at the head CT, head shape is pretty transparent. eppley and yaremchuk both did support this.

now why im here, is to avoid implants.

you are entitled to believe these aggressive approaches are off the list in any aesthetic circumstances.

get a full work up from anthony s wolfe. he does box osteotomy and malar osteotomy. 


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Re: Am i suffering from any mental disorders?
« Reply #9 on: June 03, 2018, 12:22:53 PM »
sorry but i dont think if it wasnt needed, 3 different surgeons would agree to perform a mod lefort iii on me. Also I just mentioned box osteotomy as a sort of movement that Id like my upper face to go through.

If you take a look at the head CT, head shape is pretty transparent. eppley and yaremchuk both did support this.

now why im here, is to avoid implants.

you are entitled to believe these aggressive approaches are off the list in any aesthetic circumstances.

Does not matter. You're out of here. Here's what I'm entitled to:

a: Transferring posts to emotional support section when the person wants to know if they are suffering from emotional disorders.

b: Banning posters who attempt to DUPE this board via MULTI-accounts.

Do not try to re-enter this board via another DUPE account. You may come back with a $30 donation (needed to put member on best behavior). Please email GJ (board owner) for re-activation after making this donation. Bitcoin: 1AwY5KSLRLsHUYHe34a4w
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