Jaw is most important. Firstly it’s especially important for men who typically have flatter cheekbones than women. Second, it coincides with how facial development unfolds. Biological resources are channeled toward constructing the jaw first. If enough resources are left over after a good-enough jaw is built, it can then allocate toward cheekbones and orbital and further facial perfection.
This is typically why people with poor jaw development have poor facial development elsewhere, and why people especially men with sharp cheekbones usually always have good jaws. But you can have a good solid square projecting jaw but flat cheekbones. This tells me our faces are constructed like a house: from the bottom, up.
Don’t agree? Go see what a plastic surgeon would say about only enhancing cheekbones if your jaw is bad; if they’re worth their salt they’ll always advise to build he fact out from the bottom up. If you came across someone with superb cheekbones but a narrow, vertically grown, recessed jaw, something would look off, because we are not used to seeing faces with that pattern of development