What do you want to achieve? Why do you want bimax? Weren't you considering lf3? With just the xrays man, your profile seems normal to me.
I guess my main goal is to compensate for a lack of development during my teens. More specifically, a shorter midface & more forward growth. Thanks though, although like i said I'm fairly certain my head was tilted a bit. Thats just how they had me sat for the CT.
Regarding MLFIII, I have a couple threads on that but i'll sum it up real quick (TLDR):
Face grew down rather than out (to some degree at least, maybe not quite as severe as other cases) resulting in hypoplasia of mid-face. Together the lack of forward growth of my jaws coupled with the lack of development of orbital area etc look 'okay' on an x-ray I guess, but thats just because they're both lacking.
And perhaps most glaringly of all, it's still not taking into account the fact that my head is tilted (my fault but if you rotate the profile slightly you'll understand).
Thanks everyone for the help so far, sorry for causing this confusion