Author Topic: Had chinwing yesterday, have the feeling it's WAY too big  (Read 29312 times)


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Re: Had chinwing yesterday, have the feeling it's WAY too big
« Reply #45 on: September 09, 2018, 11:18:09 AM »
What about contact sports btw: I still feel some worries when I play soccer or do any contact sport. Others have it too?

Is it still a risk that you can break your mandible more easily even after a year or longer?


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Re: Had chinwing yesterday, have the feeling it's WAY too big
« Reply #46 on: September 09, 2018, 11:23:55 AM »
Is it still a risk that you can break your mandible more easily even after a year or longer?

No, after a year everything should be completely healed.


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Re: Had chinwing yesterday, have the feeling it's WAY too big
« Reply #47 on: September 09, 2018, 11:29:48 AM »
No, after a year everything should be completely healed.

Thanks man!

ben from UK

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Re: Had chinwing yesterday, have the feeling it's WAY too big
« Reply #48 on: September 09, 2018, 02:07:01 PM »
Could it also be fat loss after a year, Schrodinger?


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Re: Had chinwing yesterday, have the feeling it's WAY too big
« Reply #49 on: September 10, 2018, 05:02:09 PM »
Could it also be fat loss after a year, Schrodinger?

Could be, but I havent lost weight/fat. So I'm not sure why fat loss? If you ask people that had bimax lots will tell you it can take up to a year to see the finest details. Not sure why that sounds so unbelievable to some. They are cutting your bone: it is very traumatic for the surrounding tissues.


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Re: Had chinwing yesterday, have the feeling it's WAY too big
« Reply #50 on: September 10, 2018, 05:06:28 PM »
Can you get jaw implants still after chin wing? Or is that not possible since the hardwire will get in the way of the implants? Just thinking of different ways that I could make this look better.

ben from UK

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Re: Had chinwing yesterday, have the feeling it's WAY too big
« Reply #51 on: September 11, 2018, 12:29:41 AM »
I think it's possible. But implants don't look so natural and have a tendence to bloat up the face unless it's medpor or very small silicone implants.


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Re: Had chinwing yesterday, have the feeling it's WAY too big
« Reply #52 on: September 16, 2018, 07:20:34 PM »
I think it's possible. But implants don't look so natural and have a tendence to bloat up the face unless it's medpor or very small silicone implants.

Thanks hesitating how to correct this: another osteotomy (not convinced yet) or implants.

ben from UK

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Re: Had chinwing yesterday, have the feeling it's WAY too big
« Reply #53 on: September 20, 2018, 05:40:20 PM »
Thanks hesitating how to correct this: another osteotomy (not convinced yet) or implants.

I wouldn't go for implants. They don't look natural and easily bloat up your face.

I'm 4 weeks post op cw, and i must say it looks better atm. I still hope there is some residual swelling along the sides of the jaw, to make it more lean. There is some asymmetry but fortunately my face looks leaner.

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Re: Had chinwing yesterday, have the feeling it's WAY too big
« Reply #54 on: September 26, 2018, 07:27:42 AM »
Endconclusion after consulting another surgeon for second opinion: there is improvement of jawangles and width on level of jawangles. jawangles are a bit too low, making my face longer. Chin implant with sides too big and need to be shaved down. Lower structure is too big overall. Also asymmetry (already had an asymmetric face, but now more asymmetry it seems). One jaw angle seems to be lower than the other. I can't say i'm very pleased with the results unfortunately.


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Re: Had chinwing yesterday, have the feeling it's WAY too big
« Reply #55 on: October 16, 2018, 04:32:09 PM »
Sorry to read that man. I too still am dissatisfied with what my chin wing looks like. I am thinking of consulting Zarrinbal. He is supposed to be really good with chin wings. Here's to hoping he can do something about what this looks like.
Perhaps you can visit him too?

ben from UK

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Re: Had chinwing yesterday, have the feeling it's WAY too big
« Reply #56 on: October 17, 2018, 05:45:23 PM »
Sorry to read that man. I too still am dissatisfied with what my chin wing looks like. I am thinking of consulting Zarrinbal. He is supposed to be really good with chin wings. Here's to hoping he can do something about what this looks like.
Perhaps you can visit him too?

No cause this procedure was not for me. Barely any change. From what i can see titanium and peek implants are way superior to cw, even silicone is superior but looks unnatural and ages badly, plus screws get loose after a while cause it's soft material. Cw barely creates width, it's only good for minor changes imo, but some people are happy with It. Another downside is that it's unpredictable and creates asymmetry. Wasted money in my case, wrong choice.

There is no perfect solution and you need to have luck as well. But i wouldn't advocate for cw if someone needs width + angularity. Basically, it drops down the jawangle, with the aim of creating the 'illusion' of more width. This does not create a better jawangle when you don't have a good one in the first place. I wasn't impressed with the results i have seen as well, only in cases where minor bonemovement was needed, but that means those people already looked (very) good. That being said, I have seen many s**t results with implants as well, especially silicone.

Gianluigi 16

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Re: Had chinwing yesterday, have the feeling it's WAY too big
« Reply #57 on: April 09, 2019, 01:01:58 PM »
I had custom jaw implants before, but these turned out too big. So i had the jaw angles removed, but the chin implant and sides of the chin implants were left in. This created a bit of disharmony, with the chin a bit too big compared to the jaw area. Furthermore, the jaw muscles contracted upwards as a counter reaction on the distress caused on the muscles, leaving a bit of an 'empty space' just right under the jaw muscles and the lower border of the jaw. You can see the phenomenon here:

I decided to do a CW to adress this problem , and bring back the harmony in the face.

I did the CW yesterday, and i know you have to way a couple of weeks before the swelling is gone, but i saw the resultst just after the procedure, when the swelling didn't yet kicked in, and it looked WAY too big, even bigger than the jaw implants. Jaw implants obviousy cause way more swelling. The 2nd reason i think it will turn out too big (again), is that the surgeon just right after the surgery came to see me and told me the end result might not be as expected due to the excess fat i have( i know i have a bit of excess fat in the space due to not sporting the last couple of weeks, but i'm not a fat person, so a little bit op sport and i'm a bit leaner. but there's a difference between lack of definition because of a bit of too much soft tissue and something that is just too big. And this looks way too big. I already have experience with the jaw implants and i just can feel it when something is too big.This is my intuition. Also, the surgeon toldd me that if i want to do a revision it can be done within 3 months, just after surgery. Why is he telling me these things just after surgery, it's like he's already expecting it to be too big.

I don't understand. We discussed this thoroughly, that i only wanted very natural, subtle changes. He also said that he certainly didn't want to lower the jaw/jaw angle too low, because it would look unnatural/almost comical. And yet it seems that is exactly what he did. I know people are going to say 'wait a bit, you'lll see the endresultst later', and part of me wants to believe this, but like i said, just after i had the procedure for jawimplants, the swelling did not yet kick in, and it turned out the result right after the jaw implant procedure (the surgeon showed it to me before putting the bandage back on) was just like the end result after the swelling was gone (7 weeks later).

So i'm distressed right now, and i'm almost already hoping for a revision CW if that's even possible. Especially because the surgeon was talking about revision or doing another plastic surgery after things settle down (but maybe he was talking about something else).

I'm hoping that if the jaw angle is too low i can raise the jaw angle again by cutting the lower boarder and raising it again. I hope this is possible. My intuition says the jaw angle is way too low. I really don't need so much lowering it seems. I opted for small subtle changes, based on my experience with the jaw implants. I maybe ended with something that's even bigger than the previous jaw implants.

Anyone experience with revision CW?

Gianluigi 16

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Re: Had chinwing yesterday, have the feeling it's WAY too big
« Reply #58 on: April 09, 2019, 01:52:20 PM »
I read an  article by dr Yaremchuk of an complication with a bulge of soft tissue on the lower mandible and a possible skeletonized area....this are possible complications after the placement of  custom made wrap around implants for jaw and chin....

Myself had custom Made implants placed three months ago and i am pleased so far with the shape of the jaw and chin.....however i have serious complication with soft tissue now after 3 months....the left side look more than okay and is a good result....the right side however i have  a big a bulge of hanging soft tissue on the right mandible....i have a hanging cheek of soft tissue on  the front of my mandible...

Friday i see my surgeon to discuss this problem and what he can do about iT.....i don’t have the skeletonized area as mentioned in the article by dr Y....but i do have the bulge of soft tissue that seems to be also a possible complication with this procedure....

So i hope my surgeon can correct this problem by reattachment of the musculus masseter....

The left side is smooth and has a good decent iT can’t be  swelling anymore after three months...because the difference with the right side is huge and enormous....

Do you know a expert maxillofacial surgeon in europe who is capable of reattachment of the musculus masseter? case my surgeon has No clue how to solve this problem? that i have a extra option...

I can find little information about this procedure except dr Yaremchuk in the US.....first i want to try my luck in europe close by the netherlands....

I hope you can name me a surgeon in Europe who is capable of this procedure....or maybe someone else on this forum?

With kind regard Gianluigi.....

ben from UK

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Re: Had chinwing yesterday, have the feeling it's WAY too big
« Reply #59 on: August 12, 2019, 07:02:02 PM »
I read an  article by dr Yaremchuk of an complication with a bulge of soft tissue on the lower mandible and a possible skeletonized area....this are possible complications after the placement of  custom made wrap around implants for jaw and chin....

Myself had custom Made implants placed three months ago and i am pleased so far with the shape of the jaw and chin.....however i have serious complication with soft tissue now after 3 months....the left side look more than okay and is a good result....the right side however i have  a big a bulge of hanging soft tissue on the right mandible....i have a hanging cheek of soft tissue on  the front of my mandible...

Friday i see my surgeon to discuss this problem and what he can do about iT.....i don’t have the skeletonized area as mentioned in the article by dr Y....but i do have the bulge of soft tissue that seems to be also a possible complication with this procedure....

So i hope my surgeon can correct this problem by reattachment of the musculus masseter....

The left side is smooth and has a good decent iT can’t be  swelling anymore after three months...because the difference with the right side is huge and enormous....

Do you know a expert maxillofacial surgeon in europe who is capable of reattachment of the musculus masseter? case my surgeon has No clue how to solve this problem? that i have a extra option...

I can find little information about this procedure except dr Yaremchuk in the US.....first i want to try my luck in europe close by the netherlands....

I hope you can name me a surgeon in Europe who is capable of this procedure....or maybe someone else on this forum?

With kind regard Gianluigi.....

Only Yaremchuk can do this I think. Well, some other surgeons could do it but lack experience. It can only be done through a Risdon approach, cutting beneath the jawline and then stretching the masseter till the lower border of the mandible. Then you pull masseter strings through small holes and attach them underneath. Most surgeons will say it cannot be done, but it can be done.

The Risdon approach has the additional advantage that an infection is less likely due to exterior insertion. Sometimes you don't even need antibiotics. The Risdon approach could also be used for people who are very afraid for infections.