Author Topic: What is the medical term for this treatment and how will I look  (Read 994 times)


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What is the medical term for this treatment and how will I look
« on: September 21, 2018, 02:55:39 AM »
I know this is probably a hard question, but I feel like someone in here could analyze my pictures and give me an idea on what I should expect.
I’m especially a little worried about the chimp-look, Because of the lack of projection and fullness in my cheeks. I heard a CCW rotation would be good to fight this, but I’m not sure what is happening in  the picture I linked.


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Re: What is the medical term for this treatment and how will I look
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2018, 12:36:56 PM »
its a double jaw advancement to correct your overbite with an added genioplasty.

your upper jaw is barely moving forward so don't worry, you wont get a chimp like profile.