Author Topic: Is jaw surgery worth it in my case, or could I get away with something less?  (Read 1912 times)


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« Last Edit: October 08, 2019, 11:35:30 AM by the_tall_lil »


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It seems like you're working in different directions? You had a genioplasty to shorten the chin, and now you're thinking that your chin is retruded. I think it's a good idea to gather yourself and try figuring out what you actually want to achieve. Is your bite ok? It's not optimal to perform many procedures, best is to do a full work up, get it done and then leave it at that.


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Lf1 is a medical procedure which moves your teeth and bite, compared to the previous surgeries you've had that are pure cosmetic. Going into a Lefor 1 requires an in depth analysis of your bite and may also involve orthodontic work and a full bimax surgery. This may also make some of the previous procedures unecessary, as it will reshape your face, and the previous analysis that was performed for the cosmetic procedures may not apply any more. If you wish to proceed with any procedure, it should be a full workup with an orthodontist, looking into your bite and perform a full surgery if necessary. After that, other procedures such a feminization of your facial structure etc can be performed, or if it's a good surgeon, maybe at the same time. I also don't understand if you think you have a retrognathic profile, or if you've only been told so and don't agree.


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Most of the midface length is the nose, which cannot be made shorter.


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You're correct that a genio as a single procedure would not address the retrognathia. Both BSSO and genio would be needed.

Your selection of maxfax docs is NOT limited to the face femme ones. That is to say the aesthetic 'culprit' in your case is not really what you perceive as masculine effects of long face. Retrognathia is key imbalance. The Lefort 1 would be done WITH the lower jaw/chin advancement to accommodate the balance of both jaws and teeth.

If your main goal is 'passing' as femme, that goal has been achieved on the basis that there are plenty of females  who have retrognathia and/or a similar facial appearance that you NOW have.

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Yeah, this is more to just look more attractive in general, I don't seem to have issues passing per se, but it is definitely a self-esteem blow. For Lefort/BSSO would a genio be needed? Correct me if I'm wrong, but couldn't the whole jaw be moved forward, thus fixing the chin projection?

I have a noticeable overbite, and I was told as a kid to wear headgear at night to fix it. Boy if I could go back and tell myself to do it.

 On your profile photo:

 Drop a straight vertical line from the upper lip. Your lower lip is behind it. That means there is recession of whole mandible. Addressed with BSSO.

Drop a straight vertical line from your LOWER lip. Your chin is WAY behind it. That means there is ALSO recession to the CHIN. Addressed with genio.

So surgery= Lefort1, BSSO and genio.
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Thank you! Didn't look at it like that, but it does make sense. Would that combination of surgeries also give the midface more compactness/projection, lowering the philtrum and apparent nasal length? Also I do have random pains and weird headaches, which when I was younger they thought could be TMJ. I'm wondering if there is a functional aspect as wll that could be insurance covered, versus only aesthetic concerns.
For predictions to  spin off questions, that's what consults are for.
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You’re so beautiful, and I love your hair (especially as styled in the middle photo.) I also have a recessed chin, and I did fillers.