Author Topic: Carlos Villegas Bateman  (Read 2975 times)


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Carlos Villegas Bateman
« on: December 22, 2018, 03:34:15 PM »
Bad experience. Avoid. I had double-jaw surgery and genioplasty with him in 2018. His clinic is called Vibart Clinic and it is based in MedellĂ­n, Colombia. Left me with zero tooth show, lip ptosis, over-advanced chin. As others on here know, I have to get a revision as a result. Others have been botched worse, which is why I'm finally posting this.


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Re: Carlos Villegas Bateman
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2019, 07:34:17 PM »
I'm sorry to hear you had a bad experience. I just got back from Colombia after having surgery by Dr. Carlos Villegas Bateman at Vibart Clinic in Medellin. I'm 5 weeks post op after having a 2-piece Lefort 1 osteotomy with maxillary advancement and downgraft (8mm). No work done to my lower jaw.  I am happy to say I'm doing great and I am very pleased with the functional and aesthetic results.  I researched him quite a bit and actually traveled to Colombia back in August to meet him and see what he was all about.  The main reason I was attracted to him was because I wanted to do the Surgery First Approach as opposed to the conventional method here in the States.  I'm following up with my post op orthodontic care in Connecticut with an orthodontist referred to me by Dr. Villegas and just had my second visit. He thinks my braces may be able to come off in one year, which is fine by me.  I still have one more week to go before I can actually start chewing again, but my maxilla feels pretty solid and fused at this point.  I had very little pain and swelling, just a black and blue neck for about 2 weeks. 


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Re: Carlos Villegas Bateman
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2019, 07:25:18 PM »
I'm sorry to hear you had a bad experience. I just got back from Colombia after having surgery by Dr. Carlos Villegas Bateman at Vibart Clinic in Medellin. I'm 5 weeks post op after having a 2-piece Lefort 1 osteotomy with maxillary advancement and downgraft (8mm). No work done to my lower jaw.  I am happy to say I'm doing great and I am very pleased with the functional and aesthetic results.  I researched him quite a bit and actually traveled to Colombia back in August to meet him and see what he was all about.  The main reason I was attracted to him was because I wanted to do the Surgery First Approach as opposed to the conventional method here in the States.  I'm following up with my post op orthodontic care in Connecticut with an orthodontist referred to me by Dr. Villegas and just had my second visit. He thinks my braces may be able to come off in one year, which is fine by me.  I still have one more week to go before I can actually start chewing again, but my maxilla feels pretty solid and fused at this point.  I had very little pain and swelling, just a black and blue neck for about 2 weeks.

Not saying this review is fake, but when you've joined the forum merely to copy-paste two identical positive reviews of a surgeon, IMO it raises suspicion...

I really can't stress enough how much this surgeon sucks. I came out of this surgery with:

(a) lower lip ptosis, which requires mentalis resuspension.
(b) zero incisor display at rest, requiring a revision LeFort.
(c) an overdone genioplasty, out of harmony with my face, requiring a revision genioplasty.

These are not complications. They are the outcome of poor planning and technique. He claims on his website to do virtual surgical planning, but didn't do so in my case.

He doesn't have many before and afters online, and those he has are rather simple underbites cases.

The experience at the clinic he operates at, "IQ Interquirofanos," was also terrible. They released me just hours after double-jaw surgery, while I was still spitting blood, which is pretty much unheard of in the US. Just Google "IQ Interquirofanos muere" and you will read about the various people who have died at this clinic getting other procedures. I wish I would have done that prior to the surgery.

Just saying, do yourself a favor and do this surgery right the first time with one of the big name surgeons.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2019, 07:49:08 PM by ghiggson90 »