Author Topic: Jaw Center in Los Angeles  (Read 29468 times)


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Re: Jaw Center in Los Angeles
« Reply #60 on: January 06, 2019, 04:14:45 AM »
Hey I apologize, I wasn't trying to sound rude with the way I wrote that. Yeah you're right, it's definitely not for plastic
surgery. However, they told me that it's considered elective, since they don't classify it as being medically necessary.

If that makes a difference in the way they decide on which surgical methods & procedures to use, I don't know. That's what
I'm trying to find out. (but I'm pretty sure though, they look at it from a functional aspect)

Yeah that's what I am concerned with primarily, aesthetics. And just like you said, they can surely handle the medical aspect. But as
soon as I found out it was a residency facility, that's when I started having all these conflicting concerns about them addressing the
main thing I wanted to be focused on.

I've been trying to get a referral from my Primary Care Manager to go in-network and see Relle. But it
seems like I'm going to end up having to be treated at a military facility. So I'm trying to think of
ways to have the best odds possible.

I was going to get multiple consults from top OMFS's, then bring them in with me to my consult with the military
OMFS. I'm also trying to figure out how I should go about bringing up my main concern of aesthetics to them. I don't think they
would disqualify me from treatment over it, but I want to try and let them know that it's a very important factor for me in
doing this. What would you say.

No problem, I'm just telling you the truth, even if it may be inconvenient for you. The military have same problem as you, a limited amount of money and can't send everyone to private surgeons if there's no reason for it. Given this, you have to give them a reason why they should refer you.

You say that it's not plastic surgery, but it does come off as aesthetic is your main reason for the surgery, and you even wrote so previously in this thread. It's nothing wrong with that, but you need to be clear about why you're performing this surgery to get the result you want. You also need to be clear about why you don't think the offered surgery will be able to resolve your issues.

What are the actual issues you're having and want to correct? You've seen your surgeon, and they've told you it's not medically necessary, but they'll do it anyway. What does this mean, and what is the plan the surgeon have for you? Do you have a bite deficiency that is not big enough, but can be corrected, or do they offer this to you only because if your aesthetic concerns? If so, it sounds like a very generous offer. When you've met the surgeon, they must have also told you what they can correct for you, and how? In what way does the plan they offer you doesn't seem sufficient?

I can understand your surgeons frustration, because it seems like you're disqualifying them, without knowing why and what you want instead. You just want someone else.


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Re: Jaw Center in Los Angeles
« Reply #61 on: January 07, 2019, 08:30:05 PM »
I don't even think there could be a reason that could get them to send me to a private surgeon. Because all the surgeons there do jaw surgery, even if they aren't Arnett & Gunson level. All the military looks at is the capability.

I haven't met the Military OMFS yet, so I don't know what type of surgery he will recommend. Apparently the doctor I'm seeing is really good, that's what a few people that I spoke to today at different facilities even said. But still, I want to try and increase a good aesthetic outcome as much as possible, since I'll probably definitely have to go to the military OMFS for surgery.

I'm not sure what exactly and specifically I'd like to have corrected. Whatever change will make the biggest difference aesthetically I suppose. So my plan is to get a consult from Gunson, Wolford, and Sinn. Then bring those consults into my first appointment with the military OMFS to increase my odds.

I don't have a bite deficiency since I had past braces with 2 upper-teeth extractions.I mean does it require a plastic surgery degrees or something to produce a good cosmetic result? Or as long as the OMFS is experienced and has done a lot of jaw surgeries then he should know better? I figured that if I get a few consults from the best of the best OMFS, bring those in to my military OMFS, then that it should all hopefully go good. Or they will at least look at it, and possibly mirror what they recommend. What do you think?


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Re: Jaw Center in Los Angeles
« Reply #62 on: January 07, 2019, 08:34:43 PM »
Only way.
Hey Kavan sent you a PM.
And I accidentally sent it before I finished it too.

Also would you think it's worth getting a consult from 3 different Orthodontists? (Already getting 3 diffetrent OMFS Consults) These are who I was going to consult with.

« Last Edit: January 07, 2019, 09:01:44 PM by Austinou88 »


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Re: Jaw Center in Los Angeles
« Reply #63 on: January 07, 2019, 09:01:06 PM »
I have an complex case and I want to consult 5 different orthos lol, even though your case seems simple relatively nothing wrong spending a few extra bucks consulting more than 1 ortho


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Re: Jaw Center in Los Angeles
« Reply #64 on: January 07, 2019, 09:02:58 PM »
I have an complex case and I want to consult 5 different orthos lol, even though your case seems simple relatively nothing wrong spending a few extra bucks consulting more than 1 ortho
What is complex about your case?
And I think all the consults are free.


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Re: Jaw Center in Los Angeles
« Reply #65 on: January 07, 2019, 10:09:59 PM »
Hey Kavan sent you a PM.
And I accidentally sent it before I finished it too.

Also would you think it's worth getting a consult from 3 different Orthodontists? (Already getting 3 diffetrent OMFS Consults) These are who I was going to consult with.


I don't think you have to worry about the military doctors. It's not as if they are going to make you look worse or push your face backwards or anything like that. They will be wanting to move your face forward, especially the lower jaw.  In maxfax surgery, the ortho needs to work WITH the maxfax. So, they might want you to use one of the military orthos too.
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Re: Jaw Center in Los Angeles
« Reply #66 on: January 07, 2019, 10:55:17 PM »
I don't think you have to worry about the military doctors. It's not as if they are going to make you look worse or push your face backwards or anything like that. They will be wanting to move your face forward, especially the lower jaw.  In maxfax surgery, the ortho needs to work WITH the maxfax. So, they might want you to use one of the military orthos too.
Yeah I don't really have much concern with them making things look worse. It was about, as you said, Maximizing Asthetics.

Apparently there's only 2 military Orthodontist on the whole west coast, and they are crazy busy. I suppose my concern was that they wouldn't be as thorough in there treatment as a highly qualified civilian orthodontist.
(especially as the top one Arnett & Gunson use)


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Re: Jaw Center in Los Angeles
« Reply #67 on: January 07, 2019, 11:40:50 PM »
Yeah I don't really have much concern with them making things look worse. It was about, as you said, Maximizing Asthetics.

Apparently there's only 2 military Orthodontist on the whole west coast, and they are crazy busy. I suppose my concern was that they wouldn't be as thorough in there treatment as a highly qualified civilian orthodontist.
(especially as the top one Arnett & Gunson use)

The military docs are in the capacity to improve your appearance. Just consult with Gunson for a basic plan. You don't need to consult with a bunch of other maxfax guys. Take Gunson's plan to the military doctor. But not a bunch of multiple plans from many others. You can also consult with an ortho that Gunson uses. One consult with A known expert (and who ever ortho he uses) and MULTI consults with the military maxfax guys to find one that's the closest to the Gunson plan.
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Re: Jaw Center in Los Angeles
« Reply #68 on: January 08, 2019, 06:07:35 AM »
I'm not sure what exactly and specifically I'd like to have corrected.

I'm not sure I follow here. Why are you having jaw surgery? What result would make you satisfied? Most people don't do jaw surgery just because they can, they're hoping for some kind of improvement, either aesthetic or functional correction. What is the aesthetic issue you're having?


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Re: Jaw Center in Los Angeles
« Reply #69 on: January 08, 2019, 03:53:16 PM »
I'm not sure I follow here. Why are you having jaw surgery? What result would make you satisfied? Most people don't do jaw surgery just because they can, they're hoping for some kind of improvement, either aesthetic or functional correction. What is the aesthetic issue you're having?

His jaws are pushed backwards and he has some sleep apnea. He has a professional profile photo on one of the first few posts he made on JSF.
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Re: Jaw Center in Los Angeles
« Reply #70 on: January 08, 2019, 04:00:03 PM »
As to 'Civilian' doctors, instead of automatically associating the word; 'Civilian' with 'better' (than military doctors)--you ARE making that automatic association-- try THIS association INSTEAD:

Civilian doctors = FOR PROFIT doctors who are not serving the country and who are going to CHARGE someone who IS the SAME $$$$$ they would charge a civilian with a lot of $$$$.

Military doctors= Concern about your well being and health (because they have incentive to keep you in service for as long as possible) AND they are concerned enough that they are going to give you a FREE surgery.

So, PRACTICE making THOSE associations in YOUR HEAD as to SHIFT some negative associations onto the civilian doctors and some positive ones to the military doctors. When you THINK ABOUT it THAT WAY, what I said is TRUE.

Let me put it this way; Just look at the civilian doctors you were initially IMPRESSED with, the Jaw Surgery Center you linked to in your first post where it turned out they weren't so 'impressive' after all when we looked under the covers. So, practice those associations and I'll do a morph for you which you can bring to your consults.
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Re: Jaw Center in Los Angeles
« Reply #71 on: January 10, 2019, 03:01:18 AM »
The military docs are in the capacity to improve your appearance. Just consult with Gunson for a basic plan. You don't need to consult with a bunch of other maxfax guys. Take Gunson's plan to the military doctor. But not a bunch of multiple plans from many others. You can also consult with an ortho that Gunson uses. One consult with A known expert (and who ever ortho he uses) and MULTI consults with the military maxfax guys to find one that's the closest to the Gunson plan.
Get a plan from Gunson and ask the military surgeon to perform it. People have done it before with good results.


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Re: Jaw Center in Los Angeles
« Reply #72 on: January 16, 2019, 07:06:43 PM »
Get a plan from Gunson and ask the military surgeon to perform it. People have done it before with good results.

yeah this is a good idea.


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Re: Jaw Center in Los Angeles
« Reply #73 on: January 26, 2019, 06:42:55 PM »
The military docs are in the capacity to improve your appearance. Just consult with Gunson for a basic plan. You don't need to consult with a bunch of other maxfax guys. Take Gunson's plan to the military doctor. But not a bunch of multiple plans from many others. You can also consult with an ortho that Gunson uses. One consult with A known expert (and who ever ortho he uses) and MULTI consults with the military maxfax guys to find one that's the closest to the Gunson plan.
Hey Kavan, sorry for the late reply. Sounds like a good idea, I'll just cut it down to gunson and his ortho, walklow.
Also, Dr. Barry Martin got back with me on a name of a maxfac at Walter Reed. But I think before I make a trip to the other
side of the country to see him, I'll go with your suggestion and consult with military maxfacs here.

On my consult with Gunson, if my goal is for aesthetics only, should I make that
clear? Or should I just let him do his thing.

Would you suggest at my consult with the military maxfac, asking them directly if they will perform gunsons surgery plans?
Or should I just keep quiet, see what they recommend, compare their plan to gunsons, then deciding from there?


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Re: Jaw Center in Los Angeles
« Reply #74 on: January 26, 2019, 06:46:23 PM »
Get a plan from Gunson and ask the military surgeon to perform it. People have done it before with good results.
That's a good idea, and sounds really simple.
It seems though it would be really important on the way you ask this though.

How would you go about doing this.
Just simply, handing him gunsons surgery plans and asking if he would be willing to consider doing this?