Author Topic: Getting a ceph in spain, and a diagnose to know if my airpath is weak  (Read 1010 times)


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Anyone knows a good doctor in here? I suspect my airpath is weak. When I bite to make my molars meet, the lower jaw has to go backwards a bit, i've read this is normal, but in my case, it leaves little little to no space to breath when my tongue is on the roof of the mouth, I think this is what shouldn't be normal, both my maxilla and lower jaw I think are recessed. I would post pics but right now I can't, I will try later, however I would prefer to privately send them to the experienced members.

Anyway, anyone knows some good doctors here? With an high IQ for both functional and aesthetic issues. I want to improve both.

On the functional side, i've felt fatigued for years, and I have cognitive issues, I can't properly sleep. I have thyroid problems, im skinny tho, I just want to find out what's wrong, and now I suspect I may have sleep apnea.

Can I do a monitor test of sleep quality at home? I reckon it would be way more accurate than doing it at some hospital.


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Re: Getting a ceph in spain, and a diagnose to know if my airpath is weak
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2018, 07:39:58 PM »
Hi Skulpt,

I have just had surgery for a narrow airways that was causing difficulty breathing and sleeping and tiredness.  I don't think it is normal to not be able to breath when you close your teeth together and I actually had this before I had the surgery but now there is much more room for my tongue. Although my sleep is not 100% yet because of swelling and congestion I believe the surgery was the correct procedure for me. I am only in my 20's and am skinny so I don't fit the typical sleep apnea profile but even then you can still have apnea or upper airways resistance syndrome. I suggest you find a sleep clinic that tests for upper airways resistance syndrome(UARS) aswell as sleep apnea, and in particular respiratory disturbance index(RDI) and respiratory effort related arousals(RERA). Often skinny or young people with sleep disturbances have low apnea events but high RDI or RERA's. A home test probably won't test for these and might just test for apnea, and even then I've heard of it giving false negatives. If you have profile pics people on here are quite knowledgable and can give tell you what they think of your recession. Even better are cephs or a cone beam showing the area of your airways.


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Re: Getting a ceph in spain, and a diagnose to know if my airpath is weak
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2018, 10:31:46 AM »
Alfaro is one of the best.