I'm 3 months post-op (Posnick)
Surgery was to treat:
Open bite (1-3mm)
Mild OSA
Teeth grinding, lisp and some chewing problems
And of course aesthetic concerns
Surgircal plan was:
10mm maxillary advancement with Lefort 1
Similar mandibular advancement with BSSO
Slight sliding genioplasty
As of 3 months, my functional concerns have basically all been taken care of. I no longer have OSA problems, no lisp, no teeth grinding (or at least much less) and i can chew/tear food normally.
My main question is regarding aesthetics. I believe my advancement was straight without any rotation, and I didn't even know what CCW rotation was until finding this forum. I currently have what looks like "chimp lip" which I know can occur with large maxillary advancements. It doesn't look so bad in the picture but it's definitely noticeable. Yesterday my ortho asked me about the "swelling" in my upper lip and a few others have commented on it. While it could still be swelling, I'm beginning to think my maxilla was simply advanced too far without any compensating rotation.
My question is: Based on my CEPHs, should I have gotten CCW as part of the surgery? It looks to me like my occlusal plane is definitely off horizontal which is a bad sign for large advancements without CCW according to this forum.
Pics and CEPHS: