Okay, this was my main concern. I understand your explanation about the differential and I think you alluded to as much on my first post. I'm sure some surgeons would do ccw even within +- 1 standard deviation but I don't know what this would mean in terms of overall displacements. Would have to consult to see.
As far as ceph tracing for the A point, I could try to obtain this but I never even viewed it myself if Posnick made one. All of the planning was communicated to me verbally. TBH I don't even have a record of the displacements I got or was promised, he just told me. During the planning consult just prior to the surgery he actually told me the software indicated 12mm of advancement whereas the clinical photos indicated 8mm. I had no idea what to do with this information so I just said let's split the difference.
Are you asking because this would affect the lip curve over the bone? I wonder if bone shaving of this area is possible to induce concavity.
Here's the thing:
1: The 'A' point is in the conCAVE area which I've circled and pointed to in red. Note how there is clearly an outline where someone without experience in radiology could easily see the contour and trace it.
2: The TRACING of the area albeit at a later stage of some treatment but still, the outline where one would see the conCAVE area where the 'A' point is located is clearly visible.
3: On yours, the outline where I would want to see the conCAVE curve is not clear. Not enough for me to trace it. Basically, it looks like there could be some curve in there but I don't know if the semi-opaque area that looks kind of straight is a DIFFERENT STRUCTURE or just some image fuzziness from something else.
Basically, what I see on your ceph is a straight looking area to where I can see a conCAVE area in the example cephs. With that, I see (which is clear to see) an OVERLY OBTUSE nose to lip angle. The MYSTERY to me, at least, is; 'Do you have the type of bone contour to the anterior maxilla that's just NOT going to look good with any advancement, no matter what the rotation. I don't know. I mean what I could tell by looking at the soft tissue contour of your ceph (nose to lip angle) is that it wouldn't take much advancement at all to turn the overly obtuse nose to lip angle into a conVEXity. That's just something that is intuitively obvious to me.
As I understand it, your main motivation for getting revision surgery is BECAUSE of the conVEX lip contour. So, you would have to establish from whom ever you elect to revise whether or not you have a type of contour that can either be altered so that when it's moved forward, you're left with a BETTER contour OR if it's just one of those things they can't do much about.
For a revision, they would need to go through the SAME cut you had prior and most likely make other cuts (multi segment lefort) to make separate alterations to the anterior and posterior maxilla.
All I can say from here is that the doctor who did your surgery did not 'put' that straightish looking bony contour you have going on to the anterior maxilla there. He just moved it forward (and a little down) along an ANS-PNS plane that was already oriented in the CCW direction and your post op still shows a CCW ANS-PNS orientation even though you got CW to close the anterior open bite. However, the '64 thousand dollar question' is whether or not a 3 piece Lefort for more CCW to posterior maxilla and separate alteration to anterior maxilla would be the 'solution' to fixing your lip contour. Like, I DON'T KNOW if they can carve in a conCAVE area where it looks like you didn't have much of one from your start point.
TBH, I don't know what type of osteotomy or even if there is one to fix what looks to be a type of contour that's just not 'receptive' to looking better when advanced forward. BUT IF there WERE one where they could just RE-CONTOUR what looks to be the problem area, you'd be all set and would not have to have the whole thing cut through again and with multi-segment lefort.
So, there you have it. I 'know what I don't know' and it's beyond me to tell you that getting revision surgery with more CCW (probably via multi segment lefort) is going to target the problem of the conVEX nose to lip contour you want to fix. What I can tell you is that you would need to TARGET your consults to FOCUS on the 'mystery' I'm not to sure about.