Hi. Sorry, I updated my post and it should be showing now.
I assume she had it free because of how young she was when the treatment started.
Either way, a doctor/dentist/orthodontist picked up on something very early on, thus starting her journey towards surgery.
I'm just wondering how her surgery was green lit at such a young age, especially when her initial bite doesn't look that severe.
I would like to hear some others' thoughts about the severity of her initial bite.
she started with a big overjet. her case is there when you google for posnick cases.

"A teenage girl with a long face growth pattern is treated with a comprehensive orthodontic and surgical approach. After orthodontic (dental) decompensation, her surgical procedures included a maxillary Le Fort I osteotomy in segments (vertical intrusion, horizontal advancement, and arch expansion) bilateral sagittal split osteotomies of the mandible (horizontal advancement and counterclockwise rotation); oblique osteotomy of the chin (vertical shortening and horizontal advancement); and septoplasty, inferior turbinate reduction, and recontouring of the nasal floor."