Author Topic: Anyone Have any Experience with Dr. Yaremchuk in Boston?  (Read 19615 times)

ben from UK

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Re: Anyone Have any Experience with Dr. Yaremchuk in Boston?
« Reply #15 on: March 19, 2019, 07:28:04 PM »
Good points. My case is additionally complicated by the fact that I already have implants in, XL implants in the submalar region! So I worry that there won't be enough augmentation, because looking at my face, it isn't as flat as if the previous implants were removed (which they must be to place the new ones). I also worry that the jaw implant could be too wide and give my face an odd triangular or square shape. I was reading some in the past couple days on Silicone vs. MedPor. Apparently Eppley argues that there is no bone loss problem with silicone implants.

I have a re-consult with Dr. Y this Thursday, so I'm hoping to ask some questions about bone loss with silicone vs. Medpor.

p.s. I have personal experience with Dr. Eppley, back before I knew ANYTHING about what I needed. His office basically agreed to do what I suggested, which I later found out no other surgeon would even consider. :) I'm a little too shy to say what that was on the forum, but would be happy to by PM if anyone actually cares!

I think bone loss from silicone might happen in some cases but is it really a big problem to lose like 0.5 millimeter, especially if an implant turns out a big too big? Bone loss seems to occur when there is alot of pressure on the bone, so probably with big implants.

He recommended a custom implant for cheeks and malar augmentation, an orbital rim implant, paranasal implants, and an angular jaw implant along with a rhinoplasty

That's alot of procedures. I don't know, maybe you need it, but it seems alot. How is the soft tissue going to react? Will it look natural (silicone), will there be facial harmony? Sounds like the surgeon needs to be a wizard to do so much procedures succesfully. Maybe Y. Is the special one, maybe he's being a smart businessmen, I don't know.

Does anyone have any knowledge of Yaremchuk? I found a lot of information positive about him before I consulted with him, and these made me think he's a leading expert in implants

Online? 90 percent of the information online is false. I don't know if Y. is a good surgeon or not, but he seems to have a better aestethic eye than Eppley (technically a good surgeon, but seems to lack the aestethic eye). I think you also need to take into consideration that surgeons have alot of bad cases. They show their best cases, they hide the bad ones. That's how you sell a product, along with other things like online exposure. The surgeon with the most online exposure isn't necessarely the best one (most of the time, he isn't). It's business. What would you do as a surgeon if someone asked you to give hij a model face and you knew it was impossible, but he offers you 30k?
« Last Edit: March 19, 2019, 07:39:22 PM by ben from UK »


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Re: Anyone Have any Experience with Dr. Yaremchuk in Boston?
« Reply #16 on: March 21, 2019, 02:42:53 PM »
Update: re-consulted with Yaremchuk today and he answered a bunch of questions. I was satisfied with his answers. He said the implants would be silicone in my case and that bone erosion is not an issue. He said it sometimes happens but not in a clinically significant amount.

But I am extremely disappointed with the office! They had twice estimated total cost at about
$2580, which is $20k in fees + the $5800 to design the implants. Today after I finished the re-consult, I talked to the same person who a week ago said $20k+5800, and she NOW says $31k+ $$5800! That’s $11k more than I was told! I had already gotten financing and everything. How can an office that does this every day be off by $11000!? I’m not going to pay nearly $40k for implants and a nose job, so I wrote back and told them I can’t pay that much above the estimate.

Has anyone else encountered something like this? How can this happen unintentionally?? I am SO disappointed. After all this travel and the CT scan, I’m back to square one! 😞


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Re: Anyone Have any Experience with Dr. Yaremchuk in Boston?
« Reply #17 on: March 21, 2019, 02:48:15 PM »
Update: re-consulted with Yaremchuk today and he answered a bunch of questions. I was satisfied with his answers. He said the implants would be silicone in my case and that bone erosion is not an issue. He said it sometimes happens but not in a clinically significant amount.

But I am extremely disappointed with the office! They had twice estimated total cost at about
$2580, which is $20k in fees + the $5800 to design the implants. Today after I finished the re-consult, I talked to the same person who a week ago said $20k+5800, and she NOW says $31k+ $$5800! That’s $11k more than I was told! I had already gotten financing and everything. How can an office that does this every day be off by $11000!? I’m not going to pay nearly $40k for implants and a nose job, so I wrote back and told them I can’t pay that much above the estimate.

Has anyone else encountered something like this? How can this happen unintentionally?? I am SO disappointed. After all this travel and the CT scan, I’m back to square one! 😞

Typo! They had twice estimated $25800, not $2580. I wish!


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Re: Anyone Have any Experience with Dr. Yaremchuk in Boston?
« Reply #18 on: March 21, 2019, 03:10:47 PM »
Estimate 'mistake' may have been one based on just the implant surgery and design where maybe they forgot to add in the rhino? IDK. So, if 11grand more, request WITHOUT rhino.
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Re: Anyone Have any Experience with Dr. Yaremchuk in Boston?
« Reply #19 on: March 22, 2019, 09:02:40 PM »
Estimate 'mistake' may have been one based on just the implant surgery and design where maybe they forgot to add in the rhino? IDK. So, if 11grand more, request WITHOUT rhino.

That is definitely a possibility. I had asked him for an estimate that was all inclusive, but it’s certainly possible they left out the procedure. In any event, they emailed me back and agreed to honor the prior estimate, or close to it. I offered $29,000 to do all of it, since I had already attained the financing. They agreed since they had estimated lower.

In other news, I got a email from Dr. Sinn. He said he wants to talk to me on the phone tomorrow. Anyone have a question for him? It’s a good time for me to ask him something.


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Re: Anyone Have any Experience with Dr. Yaremchuk in Boston?
« Reply #20 on: March 23, 2019, 12:18:44 PM »
Okay, I just had a pretty long call with Dr. Sinn. He called me from Texas.

A few highlights:

1) I told him I had also consulted Dr. Y after I found out he (Dr. Sinn) wasn't recommending an osteotomy, because Dr. Y is known for custom implants. He didn't seem to mind. I explained the surgical proposal from Dr. Y, and Dr. S thinks it's overkill. He doesn't think I need jaw angle implants, and he referenced the cuts that are needed to gain access. I didn't ask him in detail what he meant, but he seems to think it's too much.

2) Dr. S thinks my biggest issue is in the orbital area, and the osteotomy he performs he says wouldn't move the rim forward enough to give me the result I want. He recommended a single custom MedPor cheek/orbital implant that address both areas at once. He also recommended taking fat from a small incision in the belly button which would be placed over the orbital area to give "texture" to the implant. Some of this will resorb, but some will stay permanently. He says that it was a mistake for my prior surgeon to take fat from this area in a lower lid blepharoplasty.

3) He thinks my chin is "very slightly deficient" from a lateral view, so he thinks a genioplasty is optional and might give a good result.

4) We had talked about possible PEEK implants when I consulted, but he checked on price and said they are over $7k each. He says since that may be cost prohibitive, he would recommend Medpor implants. They are about $4k each, and he said he wouldn't add an upcharge (a doctor who is actually concerned about cost to the patient is refreshing!) We had a good discussion about bone loss from silicone, and he said this is more of a problem when implants are placed in the chin, because the jaw muscle puts pressure on them and can lead to bone erosion or even migration of the implant. He said this would be less of an issue in a cheek implant. He also said he doesn't do chin implants. He only does genioplasty and doesn't recommend chin implants. He went into detail describing a wing osteotomy, which I wasn't very familiar with, but he said I didn't need this. He recommends a genio.

5) I asked him about Titanium implants, because someone (I believe in this thread) had mentioned it. He said they are custom implants, but he doesn't recommend them. He said the material is too heavy. He uses titanium to secure osteotomy but wouldn't recommend using them as an implant material. He says due to their heaviness, they may migrate, and it is "not something you would want in your face."

6) He says a rhinoplasty/septoplasty would be helpful to me, but he doesn't do them beyond minor issues, so he would recommend a different doctor for my procedure, since I have a deviated septum that would need fixed at the same time. He also said in reference to Dr. Y's surgical plan that he doesn't recommend doing a rhinoplasty along with the other procedures in the same surgery. Swelling sets on quickly, so a rhinoplasty could compromise the result in other areas.

I need to follow up with him to ask him a couple questions I forgot to ask. But it was a good and helpful conversation and MAY present an alternative plan that could work. His office will follow up with me on cost, so I can compare to Dr. Y and make a decision.


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Re: Anyone Have any Experience with Dr. Yaremchuk in Boston?
« Reply #21 on: March 23, 2019, 12:22:19 PM »
IN particular, I forgot to ask him about paranasal implants, which I do think could be helpful for me, as well as whether he thinks a bimax might help (Dr. Y noted that my jaw is shifted slightly to the right. Dr. S agreed, but said it is very minor). Ugh, this all is too much. Once you start micro-analyzing the face for imperfections, everyone has them. The real question is which ones need correcting to add significantly to an aesthetic improvement.


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Re: Anyone Have any Experience with Dr. Yaremchuk in Boston?
« Reply #22 on: March 23, 2019, 06:14:29 PM »
IN particular, I forgot to ask him about paranasal implants, which I do think could be helpful for me, as well as whether he thinks a bimax might help (Dr. Y noted that my jaw is shifted slightly to the right. Dr. S agreed, but said it is very minor). Ugh, this all is too much. Once you start micro-analyzing the face for imperfections, everyone has them. The real question is which ones need correcting to add significantly to an aesthetic improvement.

Can I ask how old you are?


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Re: Anyone Have any Experience with Dr. Yaremchuk in Boston?
« Reply #23 on: March 23, 2019, 06:39:14 PM »
Also, from what you've said about your discussion with Sinn. Something doesn't make sense here.

I've heard Sinn say he can get 8-11 mm of advancement from his orbital rim advancement technique. That's f**king way more than most implants would give. So either you have a massively HUGE deficiency (which I doubt) cause I have a huge deficiency and Sinn recommneded the mfl3 for me OR Sinn is kind of being a bit shady giving different info to different people and I'm not sure what's the truth or not.


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Re: Anyone Have any Experience with Dr. Yaremchuk in Boston?
« Reply #24 on: April 13, 2019, 11:51:09 PM »
Also, from what you've said about your discussion with Sinn. Something doesn't make sense here.

I've heard Sinn say he can get 8-11 mm of advancement from his orbital rim advancement technique. That's f**king way more than most implants would give. So either you have a massively HUGE deficiency (which I doubt) cause I have a huge deficiency and Sinn recommneded the mfl3 for me OR Sinn is kind of being a bit shady giving different info to different people and I'm not sure what's the truth or not.

You are correct. Apparently he can. I think he must’ve been describing a different procedure to me a couple months ago than he described to you. Today, he told me on the phone and told me that he could move the infraorbital rim about 7-8 mm using a different procedure developed by an Australian doctor that he has done recently. I’m not really sure why he did not mention this to me when I consulted with him a couple months ago. But it appears that this may be what you heard him say.


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Re: Anyone Have any Experience with Dr. Yaremchuk in Boston?
« Reply #25 on: June 05, 2019, 07:34:15 PM »
So... Dr. Sinn followed up with an article on the procedure he does for midface and orbital rim deficiency. If anyone wants to see the (brief) article, please let me know. It is a modified Le-Fort IIi, and I am considering it. Kind of scared of how invasive it is. Does anyone have advice on such a procedure versus implants and what difference I may expect beteeen those two options?


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Re: Anyone Have any Experience with Dr. Yaremchuk in Boston?
« Reply #26 on: June 05, 2019, 08:03:26 PM »
So... Dr. Sinn followed up with an article on the procedure he does for midface and orbital rim deficiency. If anyone wants to see the (brief) article, please let me know. It is a modified Le-Fort IIi, and I am considering it. Kind of scared of how invasive it is. Does anyone have advice on such a procedure versus implants and what difference I may expect beteeen those two options?

Would be interested in seeing the article.


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Re: Anyone Have any Experience with Dr. Yaremchuk in Boston?
« Reply #27 on: June 06, 2019, 10:26:06 PM »
Would be interested in seeing the article.

I would be happy to show you. He sent it to me as a pdf, so I don’t have a link to it. Would you maybe PM me your email, and I can email it to you if you’d like.


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Re: Anyone Have any Experience with Dr. Yaremchuk in Boston?
« Reply #28 on: June 07, 2019, 01:44:41 AM »
I would be happy to show you. He sent it to me as a pdf, so I don’t have a link to it. Would you maybe PM me your email, and I can email it to you if you’d like.
Who's the Australian surgeon?


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Re: Anyone Have any Experience with Dr. Yaremchuk in Boston?
« Reply #29 on: August 13, 2019, 10:55:09 PM »
Who's the Australian surgeon?

Dr. Andrew Heggie