What causes the 'chin curve' to become deep? I always wondered
I'm not sure if it's just chin and lip anatomy or if it's sometimes also influenced by the angle of the lower teeth.
I was looking at your plan compared to some recent-ish Dr Gunson plans
1) Your projected profile compared to a Gunson profile looks different. He often gets the chin to touch the TVL (even despite that being slightly outside of their own analysis norms). He usually achieves this by doing larger CCW rotations, which swings the chin more forward.
2) In Gunson plans, the upper incisor inclination and position look more angled like \ , whereas your incisors are a bit more vertical looking. ie. if you were to draw a vertical line down between ANS and your upper incisor tip, your incisor tip would still be behind the ANS. *This may have already improved to some degree with your current ortho work
3) The TVL/subnasale in your plan advances quite significantly because of the maxillary advancement. I'm not sure what the impacts of this would be overall, but with the advancement + impaction, I would be prepared for some nasal changes.
Take my observations with a grain of salt because I dunno if any of the above matters, I also don't know what your anatomical limitations are, and your plan is pre-ortho work anyway. But I think it wouldn't hurt to get a 2nd opinion regardless.