Hi All,
I had both my upper and lower jaw advanced 5 weeks ago now. I did this late , at 50 years old to fix a really bad breathing problem at night.
I'm having a terrible time adjusting and just wander how unusual some of my issues are. Do any of these sound familiar or unusual ? I am trying to find previous threads too.
1) I was unable to open my jaw after they took my wires and rubber bands off. I can still barely open it enough to get my tongue through my teeth. How long has it taken others to be able to fully open your mouths again ?
2) My upper jaw teeth are completely numb and it feels like I have dentures. It feels like someone elses teeth are in my mouth and it makes it very hard to talk. I read about all sorts of different numbness and I expected it, but not to my teeth. Has anyone felt this and does it come back ?
3) I have porcelain vaneers on many teeth and some of them are missing. I wanted to do them after the surgery, not before. WHen is it safe to do work like vaneers and crowns, cleanings, or even extractions ?
4) I was misled a bit on the recovery time to start eating again and trying to reset my expactations for normal jaw functions and eating. Is there some documented numbers for liquid diet, soft food and than normal food ? I'm still on liquid diet at 6 weeks.
5) Does anyone feel like your upper jaw was put into the wrong spot ? Im almost certain the center of my jaw is off noticeably by a few millimeters. I can not only see it by looking at the crease on my upper lip and the middle of my upper teeth but I can physically feel it.
6) Has anyone had double jaw advanced and NOT had braces before and after ? I had braces as a young man but not again before and after surgery. Is this stupid to do ?
Sorry many questions and I will look more through the hiusotry.