General Category > Aesthetics

Thoughts on this BiMax?

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ben from UK:
Can't believe people are tricked by pictures where they only show profile view. I don't know how many times it has to be repeated that the FRONT is the most important. Same thing with nosejobs and implants. Sometimes they show great profile results and then the front happens to be s**t. Unless your only problem is profile, I would always ask front views as well.


--- Quote from: korvitz on September 07, 2019, 04:34:06 AM --- or when I expressed fear about overcorrection by advancing the jaws too much "the only surgeon I know that overcorrects is Coceancig in the hopes that the patients will relapse, I told him no don't do this but the patients didn't end up relapsing & that's why I stopped working with him".
--- End quote ---

Well not sure what your ortho is talking about specifically, but as far as regular JS goes some surgeons have told me it's common to slightly overcorrect because a bit of relapse is normal/anticipated.

About the over-advanced look - from watching some of his vsp planning on youtube, I think he advances the maxilla until the upper central incisors line up with the most forward bit of the nose bone (not sure what that points called). I'm not sure how that compares to other surgeons such as Gunson, Alfaro etc.

He used to post here (I think he was "OrthodonticExpert"). Total asshole who didn't disclose he was a surgeon, told people they needed surgery, then made threats when I banned him/called him out on it.

Yeah but what I don't understand is whether IMDO can even be done in adults? If not, then f**k this huckster!!!!

Korvitz can your ortho confirm/deny?

I think it might, cause in one of his vids he suggests it to a really recessed 30 yr old to break up the distance (like 10mm IMDO, 10mm BSSO).

I read regular DO takes longer in adults vs kids cause the bone turnover is slower.


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