Author Topic: Can someone tell me something about Anterior Growth Guidance Appliance (AGGA)?  (Read 4298 times)


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does it actually makes the maxilla/mandibuar grow or does it just shift the teeth?

i first thought it was bulls**t but i have a dark memory that i had  a conversation with a maxfac a few years ago and he mentioned that he sometimes creates an artificial underbite (for people whose bite is fine but need advancement) by making space/ creating gaps in the lower jaw first (probably with a similar devices like mentioned in the link) before he puts an implant in the open space so teeth doesnt close the open space again once the device gets removed.

doesnt this mean you can create a few mm of new bone in the saggital direction? its the same principe right?
« Last Edit: July 27, 2019, 03:29:33 PM by lookism »


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Well there's some controversy around AGGA. There's not any literature/published case studies besides the experiences of people online and some providers' websites. Some also say it tips the teeth.

Apparently it doesn't "grow" the maxilla, but will remodel the alveolar area forward by moving the teeth.

You should also read this post and all the comments too:

I'm thinking of consulting with an AGGA provider to find out more info (in the event that I cannot get CCW surgery) because I've had past premolar extractions and I think I really need my upper teeth to come much more forward somehow, as opposed to the full maxilla.


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Well there's some controversy around AGGA. There's not any literature/published case studies besides the experiences of people online and some providers' websites. Some also say it tips the teeth.

Apparently it doesn't "grow" the maxilla, but will remodel the alveolar area forward by moving the teeth.

You should also read this post and all the comments too:

I'm thinking of consulting with an AGGA provider to find out more info (in the event that I cannot get CCW surgery) because I've had past premolar extractions and I think I really need my upper teeth to come much more forward somehow, as opposed to the full maxilla.

what do you mean with alveoar area? and do they combine this treatment with implants like the maxfac ive met a few years ago? or how do they make sure the teeth dont relapse into the old position and close the gaps?

besides i wonder why the hell does this thing seem to affect his jaw joints?

For people such as yourself, where the alveolar ridge is fully developed this treatment isn't going to achieve much except change the angulation of the teeth and at worst move them out of bone.

what does this mean?
« Last Edit: July 27, 2019, 04:00:53 PM by lookism »


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is this accurate? found it on another forum

"notice how mewing and agga only affect the alveolar ridge (lower part of the maxilla) while lefort 1 affects big parts of the maxilla



look at his chin- from european profile to african profile"

excessive dentoalveolar protrusion would be indeed concerning. the chin appears more receeding and people literally get braces to get this treated..

« Last Edit: July 31, 2019, 08:26:20 AM by lookism »