Author Topic: Let's talk about Gunson?  (Read 4708 times)


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Let's talk about Gunson?
« on: February 23, 2020, 10:35:08 PM »
What's the deal? I personally find him grossly overhyped and almost unethically expensive. Plus, he has three outstanding lawsuits right now, each pretty horrific in their own right. I'm genuinely wondering what the draw to him is? I think he has a marketing machine behind him, but that's about it. What do you think? 

Post bimax

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Re: Let's talk about Gunson?
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2020, 06:53:12 AM »
What's the deal? I personally find him grossly overhyped and almost unethically expensive. Plus, he has three outstanding lawsuits right now, each pretty horrific in their own right. I'm genuinely wondering what the draw to him is? I think he has a marketing machine behind him, but that's about it. What do you think?

I've only had a consultation with him but he was able to identify my exact aesthetic concerns pretty much instantly and offered specific remedies (he discussed both JS and plastic surgery options).  The CEPH tracing morph he gave me looks good.

Gunson takes on some of the riskiest movements and has a ton of happy patients.  He also have some patients who have been absolutely devastated and abandoned.  Is he worse than other surgeons in this regard?  Impossible to say.  Anyone who tells you different is talking out of their ass.  All we have is anecdote, not comparative statistics.

There are a few factors that make patients more likely to bring suit against Gunson versus other surgeons:
- Riskier procedures with a higher chance of failure
- High prices bring in wealthier patients who are more willing and able to file a lawsuit
- His prestige as a top surgeon in the world.  His patients expect perfection and will often not settle for less

All jaw surgery is roulette.  There's little question that Gunson is in the top tier of skilled surgeons internationally.  Does that justify his prices?  Maybe if you're a multi-millionaire.  For the rest of us plebians you can find a number of other surgeons with a good aesthetic eye and more reasonable prices.

I don't think that Gunson is some kind of scam artist in a way that other surgeons are not.  For the reasons listed above, his f**k-ups are more publicly known and often more severe.  Jaw surgery is the wild west of cosmetic and functional medicine.  You have to be willing to take serious risks no matter who you go with.


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Re: Let's talk about Gunson?
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2020, 09:24:08 PM »
I concede that his consults are great, no question about that. I've never had one personally, but I hear he spends hours with you and really goes through things in intricate detail. It's very expensive, but I agree, the amount of detail justifies the high price tag. In retrospect, I would have paid for his consult and taken his plan (bar the stupid HA paste additives) to a good local surgeon.

I am reluctant to say, however, if Gunson is able to execute anything particularly spectacular, at least not on any consistent basis. Also, I agree, his surgeries are complex, but the question is, do they need to be? I've heard from a few patients that they were coerced into totally unnecessary procedures like HA paste, cheek augmentations, genioplasties, and costly restorations (upwards of 100K!). I feel this violates an ethical duty to do no harm. From an aesthetic perspective as well, I have yet to see a single result I was truly wowed by from his work. His before and afters on Facebook are impressive, but the results from his patients on Facebook, surgery forums and groups are mediocre at best, from an aesthetic point of view. 

I don't believe Arnett was ever sued, at least not by a patient. I don't know, I disagree he is in the top-tier skill wise. I feel his lack of restraint demonstrated by his encouragement of HA paste, cheek augmentations and other plastic surgery procedures shows his insecurity. I think he is a hell of a marketer, but a lacking surgeon IMO.


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Re: Let's talk about Gunson?
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2020, 07:59:00 PM »
Overhyped? Maybe. Insane fees? Yes and I would dissuade anything going to him if they can't really afford it (don't take out loans or borrow unless the case is extremely complex e.g. TMJ with severe jaw misalignment because him and arnett are one of the best with helping TMJ cases) AND their dentofacial issues can be treated by a more reasonably priced doc. And I say all this as one of his happy patients! haha. He did a good job on me, was always pleasant and caring, and corrected my issues. IIRC correctly he ended up doing some last minute extra HA paste or something that was extra thousands but then waived the cost later. And except for my nose widening a bit and my my lower jaw line looking more uneven (prolly due to allergic reaction from HA paste, there's residual fluid retention)... my steep oclussal plane, overbite, retroganthia, vertical maxillary excess, lip incompetence, mentalis strain was all corrected. He also gave me some popping cheeks lol.

I am appalled by the handful (or more) cases were the the patient is unhappy and it's clear he fudged up somehow/isn't taking responsibility.


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Re: Let's talk about Gunson?
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2020, 08:49:12 AM »
I concede that his consults are great, no question about that. I've never had one personally, but I hear he spends hours with you and really goes through things in intricate detail. It's very expensive, but I agree, the amount of detail justifies the high price tag. In retrospect, I would have paid for his consult and taken his plan (bar the stupid HA paste additives) to a good local surgeon.

I am reluctant to say, however, if Gunson is able to execute anything particularly spectacular, at least not on any consistent basis. Also, I agree, his surgeries are complex, but the question is, do they need to be? I've heard from a few patients that they were coerced into totally unnecessary procedures like HA paste, cheek augmentations, genioplasties, and costly restorations (upwards of 100K!). I feel this violates an ethical duty to do no harm. From an aesthetic perspective as well, I have yet to see a single result I was truly wowed by from his work. His before and afters on Facebook are impressive, but the results from his patients on Facebook, surgery forums and groups are mediocre at best, from an aesthetic point of view. 

I don't believe Arnett was ever sued, at least not by a patient. I don't know, I disagree he is in the top-tier skill wise. I feel his lack of restraint demonstrated by his encouragement of HA paste, cheek augmentations and other plastic surgery procedures shows his insecurity. I think he is a hell of a marketer, but a lacking surgeon IMO.

It sounds like you already have your answer, and you just want confirmation.
Just don't go to him if you feel this way.
Millimeters are miles on the face.


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Re: Let's talk about Gunson?
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2020, 01:42:41 PM »
Does anybody have a link to information on his botched cases? Also who are the alternatives for complicated cases? I've been out of the loop for a couple of years.