Author Topic: The consequences of the ANS being in front of front teeth?  (Read 940 times)


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The consequences of the ANS being in front of front teeth?
« on: March 12, 2020, 12:49:46 AM »
So we know that your teeth can affect your lips, right?

So, am I right in thinking that my ANS being in the same vertical line as my front teeth would make it so my teeth aren't able to push out my lips (they already dont i guess..) i got premolars removed so I know that that doesnt help the situation, so is this another reason for why I need CCW rotation that I can mention to the surgeon so that my lip width can increase? If my ans goes back and my teeth go forward (ccw rotation), then that means my teeth will be able to push out the top lip without the ans pushing the subnasal area out ahead of my teeth.. right? a picture of a person with the same narrow lip width as me my skull

« Last Edit: March 12, 2020, 01:44:36 AM by FranAK »