I had double jaw surgery about 6 weeks ago, everything seems to be going really well, however I am starting to worry about my mouth opening. After the surgery my bite was fine so they did not give me a splint or bands or anything, and at that point I thought my opening was pretty good, I could get a baby spoon in easily. 6 weeks on, my opening has hardly improved. I measured it today and it is just over 2cm which is way less than normal or what it used to be before surgery, of course.
I read conflicting information about this online. Some say start exercises (putting ice cream sticks in etc.) as soon as two weeks after surgery, but I am too scared of causing damage before the bones are fused. I spoke to my ortho who agreed the opening is restricted but told me 'do not force it open' but what else can be done to improve it? I have been opening my mouth as wide as I can and holding it in that position several times a day for the last few days but can't see any change.
Anybody has any experience with this? Any tips on what to do / what not to do, and how soon after surgery? Also, dumb question probably but I do not even understand why is it that people can't open their mouth properly after jaw surgery. Does it have anything to do with the joints?