What is true is that ALL displacements are best planned together, in preparation for a surgery, ideally by the team (surgeon and orthodontist). Although maxillary expansion devices are often used before a surgery, success on any bimax surgery to follow is contingent on the maxillary expansion done prior to have been PART of the PLAN.
It sounds like you have taken upon YOURSELF to PLAN an MSE installation in the total absence of even knowing if what the doctor told you was true. It also sounds like your choice is INDEPENDENT of a plan by which ever surgical/ortho team will be doing your bimax surgery.
Let us know how that works out for you.
I'm sorry for wording it incorrectly. Let me rephrase:
I have already talked to this orthodontist, told him I wanted to improve my midface and lower third.
Asked him if the MSE could improve my maxilla prior to bimax, he said yes and I also asked him about the cheekbones: he said that MSE could give 2-3mm's of movement in each cheekbone's case.
Also told him I needed a wider smile (palate) and mouth, which he said was also possible.
So essentially, he does know my plan, and he also knows that I'm going to get bimax either way. It's just that bimax only contains a Lefort1 osteotomy which only improves the lower maxilla (LF1 area), and my (maxillary-) issue is the entirety of my maxilla.