Looks like a very easy case of doing nothing.
Were you diagnosed as class 3? If so that's usually fixed by bringing the lower jaw back and upper jaw forward, not just the lower back (could result in excess neck skin, etc). I'm surprised someone recommended lower only. It's possible but that skin issue can be real.
Just based on the photo, my concern would be your inability to seal your lips at rest. This usually is a sign of maxillary excess. Any breathing or functional issues? Only surgery that would make sense to me is a very slight impaction, lower jaw back just a hair, upper forward a hair, chin forward a hair. It's all probably ~1 to 2mm movements, and IMO not worth the risk given you look well within normal. Your lips appear to be naturally fleshy and protruding, so that's also giving an illusion of a flat midface, relative to them.
This is all fine, IMO, and my vote is do nothing unless you have functional problems.