Author Topic: Custom cheek and jaw removal  (Read 742 times)


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Custom cheek and jaw removal
« on: October 31, 2020, 12:30:27 PM »
In the case if implant infections occurs  within a year-Do surgeon charge patient's again for implant removal and inputting new implants in?


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Re: Custom cheek and jaw removal
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2020, 08:48:38 PM »
It would depend on your agreement with the surgeon - you would need to discuss all these in advance and make sure it's in writing that you both sign. For example in my case, there was a clause in my contract that in case I don't like my double jaw surgery result, they will reoperate once at no additional cost except for anesthesia. I heard from other people though that the surgeon wanted to charge them the full cost for revision even if they agreed the result wasn't optimal etc. So it's important to agree on this sort of thing in advance and have it in writing.