Hi guys,
I'd like some help predicting how my nose might change following jaw surgery.
The images show my current skull and the 'after' skull.
The 'after' skull is something I whipped up after 3d planning with a surgeon. It approximately shows the advancement we discussed. (8mm lefort 1, 10mm and 12mm bsso (on each side, asymmetry), 8mm genio).
8mm lefort seems kind of large and as you can see my nose looks OK with a slight upturn. I fear that with such a surgery my nose will become upturned in an undesirable way. My main concern is how far forward the nasal spine is going and what that might entail. As for widening, I am not too concerned as my nostrils are long and narrow. Another point I would like clarification on is how will the upper jaw downgraft change nose shape as well.
To limit the upper jaw forward movement, premolar extraction was also discussed as the teeth for my lower jaw can be brought back to create an overjet instead of moving everything forward and then doing a big genio. We are yet to plan for this however. I'm also interested for thoughts on this alternative if any1 has any.