Sorry but it's hard for me to focus attention when the request for me to do so involves keeping multiple tabs open requiring me to flit around back and forth among multiple links to render advice. I see no reason people can't organize all their info on one link, use the text option to give description of each photo or file so that what they want looked at can be found in one place. It positions me to multi-task where as multi tasking is antithetical to focused attention.
Also, there are other wrenches in the gears when I look at the surgeon's plan which includes a visual that looks (to me) to run counter with the measures. For example, when I look at a plan from Alfaro or Gunson, when the measure read out resolves to a CCW rotation, I also see that in the visual. In your visual, it looks like the maxilla is being rotated downward (CW) but the read out relays CCW. The chin movement on the visual looks like a diagonally downward genio. But the read out conveys a horizontal displacement of 4mm along with a vertical displacement of UP and NOT down.
Then comes a 'GOAL' stated by you to have a CONVEX profile whereas the goals of maxfax are usually to CORRECT a convex profile and not to achieve one.
I don't like risking giving the wrong advice. This presentation which includes a displacement read out that runs counter to the visual presentation is beyond my familiarity. I can't explain it to myself which precludes me from advising you on it. So, I'm needing to side step on this one.
However, if there's a prize for 'Stump Kavan' or scramble Kavan's brain, this wins.