My mandible is recessed and it seems the ortho decided to use elastics and pull the incisors back to camouflage the bite. This was when I was a teenager so my parents had no knowledge of what possible treatment options existed beyond orthodontics (i.e. surgery).
I believe there are others on this forum who have had the same experience.
But, there is still an overjet and overbite and, as you can imagine, the aesthetics are subpar because I am still recessed. I can't sleep on my back because it's quite uncomfortable breathing as well.
I am interested in going back to an orthodontist and discussing my case for Bimax to finally get the desired look and function.
I am in Ontario, so is this possible for Canadians? Or will I be rejected because of previous orthodontic work?
Do I go to the dentist and ask for an Xray or scan?
Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated!