Ok thanks, so potentionally could I have dental implants/bone graft post surgery to replace the teeth I had extracted? From what I have seen online it seems there are orthodontists doing this, but of course I would need braces again to make the space again to put back the needed implants.
Following surgery is it necessary to wait until everything has healed and bring all the teeth together, or could the braces be applied in such a away to then make space for implants to be fitted during the post surgery brace period?
What would be the goal of the implants?
The bicuspids were pulled because of crowding. So now you have excess space that was closed by retracting the teeth. This is the problem with extractions. You go from too little space to too much. Too much retraction is needed to close the space. So ideally (before extractions and with proper planning) you'd get some type of maxillary expansion if possible to fit all the teeth or maybe IPR to shave them down to fit if it's not excessive crowding. Another option was mini implants once the teeth were extracted. All of these probably would have been better than extraction and retraction.
There are many dentists doing less than ideal treatments, and you are the victim of it.
If you want to put the teeth back in because you're realizing all this and it's upsetting, the best path is probably to take off all braces to stop the pathology (root resorption etc) and have them use springs to do a controlled opening of the space, and then put in mini implants. I
think that might be the best treatment given your compromised position. The other option is to accept this is the treatment plan that you're getting and see how surgery goes then reassess.
Without knowing the goal it's hard to say. It sounds like you are just stressed and upset that this happened to you, and I certainly get that. Doctors should not be removing parts of our body like this without serious education and discussion about the matter.