is bone putty another word for bone allografts?
here is a case study on this
Sliding genioplasty using fresh-frozen bone allografts.
Objective: To present our experience in the use of fresh- frozen human bone allograft as an interpositional graft- ing material for sliding genioplasty to correct chin deformities.
Methods: Ten patients underwent sliding genioplasty using morcellized and corticospongious fresh-frozen human bone. Four patients underwent orthognathic surgery associated with genioplasty. Six patient under- went genioplasty associated with rhinoplasty. Panorex, lateral, and frontal cephalogram and computed tomo- graphic scans have been performed for each case pre- operatively and 12 months after surgery. One patient subsequently asked for plate removal, and with his
consent, a bone biopsy specimen was obtained during the operation.
Results: Stable aesthetic and functional results were ob- served in all cases. No infections occurred, and no bone resorption has been clinically or radiologically observed.
Conclusion: The use of fresh-frozen bone allograft re- duces patient morbidity and operative time, providing a stable and excellent aesthetic result.