From your soft tissue profile, it clearly looks like you got a diagonally downward genio to OVERLY COMPENSATE for mandibular recession.The mandibular recession in soft tissue profile is EVIDENCED by the LOWER lip being BEHIND the upper lip.
Your ceph shows class 2 skeletal/occlusion. Angle measures as to where the mandible should be relative to the maxilla convey mandible is RECESSIVE. Occlusion also shows class 2 pattern where your lower back molar is BEHIND your upper back molar and your FRONT upper incisors are AHEAD of your front LOWER incisors. So, your start point was one where a BSSO was needed to balance the jaws and the occlusion, which would of course addressed the recession. Because you are also have low mandibular plane angle (MPA) which is associated with SHORT lower '1/3d', a down and out genio would/could have been added to your BSSO advancement. BUT it would NOT be as much out and down as it is now. So, if you got a surgery WITH the BSSO advancement to the mandible, the genio would have to be REVISED to be LESS down and LESS outwards. Although your ceph shows a good possibility for single lower jaw (BSSO), there is always a possibility that the surgeon might need to do a Lefort 1 for the teeth to mesh in place or for other functional reasons. As to orbital and cheek bones which are NOT 'jaw surgery', they are procedures best done AFTER jaw surgery. I DON'T see any 'need' for them based on your post op photos taken at the doctor's office.