My surgeon even discouraged me to any walking longer than 30min, even after 6 weeks of surgery. This surgery is no joke, but the surgeons just try to make it seems harmless. Recovery was no joke and can be really discouraged. I don't have a physical work, but I do really a lot of sport with heavy weights and mountaineering. It was not easy to come back at my performance and even to get better than before.
I am just telling it, because I also thought, that all the casuals who do just their low intense gym training are not comparable to me. And I thought, if a surgeon perform this kind of surgery maybe even at some obese people, why shouldn't I be suited for this?
The truth is, that the surgeon only care if you can come back to your "average" daily routine. If you can't do your high intense sport, they just don't care.
Consult with a doctor who is specialized on athletes, before you decide to undergo such a surgery. All the other doctors already think, that 50kg is heavy weight. Many doctors are just caught off guard, if you ask them something about sport. And even then, they think maybe about some light cardio.
What was really absurd, that the surgeon also told me before, that I can go back to sport after 6 weeks. But even after 6 weeks he just kept me telling, that I should only do low volume. So I was really discouraged to go all out, even if I could.